Small Enterprise Research
Special Issue Call for Papers
Title: Resilient Growth and International Entrepreneurship
Special issues editors: Dr Lasse Torkkeli, LUT University/Turku School of Economics and Dr Sharon Loane, Ulster University Business School
Submission Deadline: December 30, 2021
For further information, please contact guest editors Dr Lasse Torkkeli [log in to unmask] and Dr. Sharon Loane [log in to unmask]
International entrepreneurship is the combination of innovative, proactive, and risk-seeking behavior that crosses national borders and is intended to create value in organizations (McDougall & Oviatt, 2000). In the post-COVID world, agile and resilient international new ventures will be able to take advantage of their entrepreneurial orientation and find opportunities in the upheaval that the pandemic has caused globally (Zahra, 2020). In such an environment characterized by high volatility and uncertainty, the importance of the capabilities of firms to integrate resources in recognizing new opportunities is also further heightened (Battisti & Deakins, 2017). The role of such capabilities as well as the role of entrepreneurial resilience (Bullough & Renko, 2013; Bullough et al., 2014) are differentiators between survival and failure of enterprises, and the speed with which international new ventures are able to learn can determine their growth and survival in the long term (Zahra, 2020).
The COVID-19 crisis also presents opportunities to firms for digitalization and business model change (Seetharaman, 2020). Behavior of rapidly internationalizing small enterprises known as born globals (Rennie, 1993; Knight et al., 2004) in particular has been argued to come to depend on their business models (Hennart, 2014), and the role of digitally enabled internationalizing enterprises such as born digitals (Vadana et al., 2019; Monaghan et al., 2020), is expected to grow in importance for international entrepreneurship research and practice during and after the COVID-19 crisis. However, the role of business models and business model innovation (Clauss et al., 2019) in international entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial growth has remained an often-neglected topic of research, as only a few studies (Child et al., 2017; Asemokha et al., 2019) have shed light on the dynamics of business models and international growth or performance in international entrepreneurship. Thus, there is a need for more clarity in international entrepreneurship research on the role that digitalization, business models and business model change have in international growth and performance of enterprises.
This special issue welcomes contributions in these areas, seeking to shed light on resilient growth and international entrepreneurship during challenging times. The suggested topics of contributions for this special issue include but are not limited to:
Asemokha, A., Musona, J., Torkkeli, L., & Saarenketo, S. (2019). Business model innovation and entrepreneurial orientation relationships in SMEs: Implications for international performance. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 17(3), 425-453.
Battisti, M. & Deakins, D. (2017). The relationship between dynamic capabilities, the firm’s resource base and performance in a post-disaster environment, International Small Business Journal, 35(1), 78-98.
Bullough, A., & Renko, M. (2013). Entrepreneurial resilience during challenging times. Business Horizons, 56(3), 343-350
Bullough, A., Renko, M. & Myatt, T. (2014). Danger Zone: The importance of resilience and self-efficacy for entrepreneurial intentions, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 38(3), 473-499.
Child, J., Hsieh, L., Elbanna, S., Karmowska, J., Marinova, S., Puthusserry, P., ... & Zhang, Y. (2017). SME international business models: The role of context and experience. Journal of World Business, 52(5), 664-679.
Clauss, T., Abebe, M., Tangpong, C. & Hock, M. (2019). Strategic Agility, Business Model Innovation, and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 1–18.
Hennart, J. F. (2014). The accidental internationalists: a theory of born globals. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(1), 117-135.
Knight, G. A. & Cavusgil, S. T. (2004). Innovation, organizational capabilities, and the born-global firm. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(2), 124-141.
McDougall, P. P. & Oviatt, B. M. (2000). International entrepreneurship: the intersection of two research paths. Academy of Management Journal, 43(5), 902-906.
Monaghan, S., Tippmann, E., & Coviello, N. (2020). Born digitals: Thoughts on their internationalization and a research agenda. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(1), 11-22.
Rennie, M. W. (1993). Born global. The McKinsey Quarterly, 4, 45-53.
Seetharaman, P. (2020). Business models shifts: Impact of Covid-19. International Journal of Information Management, 54, 102173.
Vadana, I. I., Torkkeli, L., Kuivalainen, O. & Saarenketo, S. (2019). Digitalization of companies in international entrepreneurship and marketing. International Marketing Review, 37(3). 471-492
Zahra, S. A. (2020). International entrepreneurship in the post Covid world. Journal of World Business, 101143.