
Handbook of SME Entrepreneurship



Submission Deadlines:

Chapter proposals (ca. 1 page): May 31st, 2021
Full paper
: October 31st, 2021




Objectives and topics

For this Handbook, we envision the articles that would be possibly related to (but not at all limited to) any of the following questions:

·         What are the underlying and emerging theories of SME Entrepreneurship?

·         What are the practices, actions and measures that foster the digital transformation of SMEs?

·         Context: Do different types of SMEs – in terms of e.g. nationality, ownership, and governance – approach and respond to internationalisation in the same manner?

·         How can we measure more accurately growth, innovativeness, creativity, or possible collapses of SMEs?

·         How could universities and science provide tools to encourage the growth of SMEs?

·         What role does governance play in the subsequent success of SMEs? How do organizations manage marketing in different fields of SMEs? In what way does project organization communication foster the failure of open innovation projects of SMEs?

·         What are the new development opportunities for SMEs?

·         What is the role of business angels and financial support for the growth of SMEs?

·         What is the influence of environmental, political, and technological changes on SMEs’ strategy?

·         What are the drivers of SMEs global value chains and relationships?

·         What are best practice examples of supporting SMEs in their transition to sustainability?



We invite the prospective authors to add their contributions on the current state of conceptual and empirical research in the area of SME entrepreneurship. We are aiming to bundle together the key research activities on this important topic and generate a contemporary body of knowledge providing a focused view on a range of topics that will serve as fertile ground for future research. We invite submissions that are either conceptual or empirical without preference to specific theoretical or methodological approaches. High quality conceptual, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods submissions are welcome.


The six main topics of the handbook with individual chapter topics are:

1.       Novel Theories of Entrepreneurship in SMEs:

-        Firm related theories

-        Core competence and resource-based theories

-        Innovation theory

-        Theory of Social Change

-        Interdisciplinary use of theories

-        Theories of internationalization

-        Critical evaluation

2.       SMEs from the point of view of different levels of analyses (macro, meso, micro):

-        Policies for enhancing SMEs growth

-        SME and regional development

-        Entrepreneurial ecosystems

-        Governance of innovation in SMEs

-        Marketing and branding in SMEs

-        Value co-creation in SMEs

-        Business incubators

3.       The role of education for SMEs

-        Experience, learning and SMEs

-        Responsible forms of entrepreneurial education

-        Developing skills, knowledge and competences for SMEs

-        Ethical research questions in SMEs

4.       Processes within SMEs:

-        Strategic planning and management of SMEs

-        Internationalization of SMEs

-        Systematic innovation management

-        New technology-based ventures

-        SME performance

-        Decision processes in SMEs

-        Digital transformation of SMEs

-        Social media strategies for SME

5.       Entrepreneurial capital and SMEs:

-        Human resource management in SMEs

-        Team formation in SMEs

-        Talent managers for SMEs

-        Gender equality

-        Role of immigrants, expatriates and inpatriates for SMEs

-        Intellectual capital, knowledge creation, knowledge sharing and role of clusters and networks among SMEs

-        Social capital growth of EMEs and sources of finance of SMEs

6.       SMEs and their stakeholders:

-        The role of customers, investors, employees, suppliers, communities, governments, trade associations etc. for SMEs

-        Corporate social responsibility in SMEs.


Submission requirements:

Chapter proposal (1-2 pages by May 31st, 2021) indicating:

-        the section to which the contribution is made

-        the primary aim and research question

-        the theoretical and practical focus and methodology use

-        expected results/contribution


Only original unpublished manuscripts may be submitted. The manuscripts will be required to follow the official Guide for Authors (which will be provided). We recommend that each chapter be around 6,000-8,000 words. A maximum limit is 10,000 words.



·         May 31st: Submission of chapter proposals

·         June 10th: Acceptance of proposals

·         October 31st: Deadline for full chapter submission, including the permissions for figures and images

·         December 31st: Reviews and feedback

·         February 28th, 2022: Submission of revised chapters

·         End of 2022: Digital version release



§  Professor Dr. Marina Dabić*, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia & Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom 

§  Professor Dr. Dr. Sascha Kraus, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Faculty of Economics & Management, Italy


*Handling editor (all submissions to: [log in to unmask] / [log in to unmask])



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