

From: Equal Opportunities Section AFS <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:49 AM
Subject: Opportunities for students from underrepresented backgrounds

Hello EOS,

Several opportunities for students of underrepresented backgrounds have been shared with us, and now we are sharing with you! Please send these to your students/networks!
1. Several RAY Fellowship opportunities are now available with major US-based conservation organizations. RAY Fellowships are open to those from underrepresented communities, and opportunities range from fieldwork and data analysis to social media comms and policy. Several opportunities involve aspects of technology<;!!HXCxUKc!iB9QhJwP3mb5sP5H2fKE1NRYYtdFs7Kv7_A2tHWwuS5uwZYcAmA1fN_oFF7F7xk$>

Positions available:<;!!HXCxUKc!iB9QhJwP3mb5sP5H2fKE1NRYYtdFs7Kv7_A2tHWwuS5uwZYcAmA1fN_o6wNAwUA$>

2. My name is Jen Wells and I work for the nonprofit, American Conservation Experience<;!!HXCxUKc!iB9QhJwP3mb5sP5H2fKE1NRYYtdFs7Kv7_A2tHWwuS5uwZYcAmA1fN_oy1Z6i98$> (ACE), managing our Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program (CRDIP). The program's mission is to introduce students, from backgrounds historically underrepresented in the National Parks, to career opportunities within Cultural Resource Management in the National Park Service. I am delighted to share a couple positions with you happening right in Boston and elsewhere this summer that might interest students in your department:

Native American Archaeology<;!!HXCxUKc!iB9QhJwP3mb5sP5H2fKE1NRYYtdFs7Kv7_A2tHWwuS5uwZYcAmA1fN_o8Vts3N4$>- Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area

Archaeology Survey<;!!HXCxUKc!iB9QhJwP3mb5sP5H2fKE1NRYYtdFs7Kv7_A2tHWwuS5uwZYcAmA1fN_oy90oTqo$>- Martin Van Buren National Historic Site

Tribal Communications<;!!HXCxUKc!iB9QhJwP3mb5sP5H2fKE1NRYYtdFs7Kv7_A2tHWwuS5uwZYcAmA1fN_oK5Lc-y0$>- Northeast Regional Office

Resource Assistant<;!!HXCxUKc!iB9QhJwP3mb5sP5H2fKE1NRYYtdFs7Kv7_A2tHWwuS5uwZYcAmA1fN_oreBy0lM$>- National Parks of Boston

Feel free to share with any relevant channels or interested students and definitely let me know if you have any questions about the program or positions!

Jennifer Wells (she/her)
ACE EPIC - Member Coordinator (NPS)
American Conservation Experience
Emerging Professionals in Conservation

Mobile/Office: 973.294.2766
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Lansing, NY


3. Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve has two opportunities for undergraduate students from underrepresented groups to work at WBNERR on either Research or Environmental Education. We would appreciate it if you could disseminate these widely among your lab and other networks.

Thanks much,
Megan Tyrrell, Ph.D.
Research Coordinator
Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
131 Waquoit Highway, Waquoit, MA 02536
(O) 774-255-4265
(C) 857-378-1858

Equal Opportunities Section Committee
American Fisheries Society