

Dear colleagues,

The 24th Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Conference is being hosted by Waterford Institute of Technology on August 25-26 2021. Our keynote speaker this year is Professor Anthony J. Nyberg (University of South Carolina). 

We are inviting academic scholars, research students (Masters, PhD, DBA and other relevant doctorates) and practitioners to submit papers & case studies for presentation under the conference theme: Leading and Managing in ‘Interesting Times’: Learning for a Better Tomorrow. 

Submissions are invited by doctoral students to the Irish Academy of Management Doctoral Colloquium, which is being hosted by Waterford Institute of Technology in partnership with Institute of Technology Carlow on August 25. All colloquium attendees have full access to the 2021 Conference events. 

We would also like to invite submissions of workshops and symposia that will be delivered during the conference. If you or any of your colleagues are interested in hosting a workshop or symposium, please email the conference co-chairs at the email address below with details of your proposal.  

The call for papers is now open, and the submission deadline for conference and colloquium abstracts, workshops and symposia is March 22 2021.  

Based on public health advice, the potential for in-person attendance will be reviewed. However, all attendees will be able to attend virtually. 

Abstracts (up to 1,500 words) for papers should be submitted at the following link

We would be grateful if you could share this reminder email with your colleagues. 

Full details can be found at  or email: [log in to unmask] for further information. 

With Kind Regards, 

Collette Kirwan and Chris O’Riordan 

IAM Conference Co-Chairs 




Professor of Human Resource Management & Head, Department of Management & Marketing

Co-Director, Human Resource Research Centre (HRRC)

Chair, Irish Academy of Management

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Human Resource Management Journal


Department of Management and Marketing, Cork University Business School, O’Rahilly Building, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, Ireland, T12 K8AF.

T +353 (0)21 490 3735


Twitter: @amcdonnell_hrm

LinkedIn Profile

Google Scholar Profile




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