Dear Colleagues,


I am delighted to announce that the Journal of World Business (JWB) special issue on “State Capitalism in International Context” guest edited by Mike Wright (Imperial College London), Geoffrey Wood (Western University), Aldo Musacchio (Brandeis University), Ilya Okhmatovskiy (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Anna Grosman (Loughborough University), and Jonathan P. Doh (Villanova University) is now available online: The Special Issue is dedicated to the late Professor Mike Wright (1952-2019).


The Introductory article “State capitalism in international context: Varieties and variations” written by the guest editors is now available in open access! 

The Special Issue features the following articles:

Wang, C., Kafouros, M., Yi, J., Hong, J. & Ganotakis, P. (2020). The role of government affiliation in explaining firm innovativeness and profitability in emerging countries: Evidence from China, 

Aguilera, R., Duran, P., Heugens, P.P.M.A.R., Sauerwald, S., Turturea, R. & VanEssen, M. (2021). State ownership, political ideology, and firm performance around the world, 

Cheung, Z., Aalto, E. & Nevalainen, P. (2020). Institutional Logics and the Internationalization of a State-Owned Enterprise: Evaluation of International Venture Opportunities by Telecom Finland 1987–1998, open access, 

Cuervo-Cazurra, A. & Li, C. (2021). State ownership and internationalization: The advantage and disadvantage of stateness, 


Best regards,





Vittoria G. Scalera | Assistant Professor | International Business group Coordinator | Strategy & International Business | Amsterdam Business School | University of Amsterdam | Plantage Muidergracht 12, 1018 TV Amsterdam - The Netherlands | Room M2.05 | T. +31 20 525 5386 | E. [log in to unmask] | W.


Social Media Coordinator | Journal of World Business | Facebook: /JWBnews | Twitter: @JWBNews | LinkedIn: JWBGroup





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