Event Date: Sunday, June 27, 2021
Application Deadline: March 31, 2021
Want to learn how to make a successful transition from defending your dissertation to entering the academic job market and launching your career?
You could be a perfect candidate to take part in the Sheth/AIB
Doctoral Consortium at our 2021
Annual Meeting. Read on for more info on who is eligible to participate and how to submit a successful application.
The most suitable candidates for the Consortium are Ph.D. students in international business who have completed their course work, are in the dissertation stage of their programs, and have a
relatively clear idea about their dissertation research.
Selection criteria will also include research potential of the dissertation topic and contribution to the disciplinary and geographical diversity of representation.
All of the required application materials listed below must be submitted via email to [log in to unmask] by March
31, 2021:
Letter of nomination from faculty advisor: The letter should discuss the progress of the student in the program and his/her academic performance and potential. It
should state clearly whether the applicant has defended or is expected to defend his/her dissertation proposal. If the student is enrolled in a doctoral program that does not have a formal proposal defense, the dissertation advisor’s statement of approval
of the proposal will suffice.
Student resume and abstract of dissertation proposal (5-page maximum): The first page is resume, should highlight your academic and work experience, along with publications
including manuscripts under review. Pages 2-5 should include title, author information, abstract, keywords, and dissertation research summary. Diagrams, tables, and references should be provided at the end of the document but do not count towards the 5-page
limit. The extended abstract should succinctly cover the research question, theoretical background, proposed research design, and intended contribution.
Please note that late submissions or submissions that do not follow the listed requirements will not be considered.