The North American and Caribbean Network

on Learning, Innovation, and Competence-Building Systems 


First Event March 12

Meet and greet at 11:30 AST/10:30 EST

Seminar at 12:00 AST/11:00 EST


Internationalization of SMEs in Middle East” by Mahdi Tajeddin


You are cordially invited to the first meet and greet online event, followed by a seminar (Brown Bag Lunch if you want) on Friday March 12. The event will be a kick off for NACLICS (the North American and Caribbean Network on Learning, Innovation, and Competence-Building Systems). Please pass this invitation on to students in your programs.


Zoom link


Meeting ID: 991 2496 1792 | Passcode: 574528 


NACLICS Background note - Quick sign up for our email list here.


Today, Globelics is an active network and engine for knowledge creation and exchange in the field of innovation and development. Globelics members have created regional chapters - AFRICALICS, ASIALICS, CICLALICS, EUROLICS, INDIALICS, LALICS and MEDALICS - to facilitate interactions between the scholars within their regions.


The creation of a North American and Caribbean chapter (NACLICS) will provide a new opportunity for regional activities for English-speaking scholars from North America and the Caribbean region.  We have approached the Globelics Board for affiliation.


Thus, amongst other objectives, NACLICS will also:


The advantages of participating in NACLICS include:

  1. connecting doctoral students, junior scholars and senior scholars within the region with each other and as well as with international scholars outside the region who conduct research on the core Globelics disciplines and areas.
  2. jointly applying for research funds from these regions on common projects especially those that link developed and developing economies (for example by the International Development Research Centre in Canada).
  3. jointly publishing in the peer-reviewed journals and organizing calls for special issues in journals like Innovation and Development,  the International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development.
  4. hosting and/or co-supervising PhD students at NACLICS members’ educational institutions.
  5. jointly implementing conferences, workshops, panels, and other activities that contribute to build capacity of innovation and development studies within the region.


With kind regards


Susan Cozzens, Claudia De Fuentes, Jahan Ara Peerally and Thomas Woodson


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