EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL - Management Focus Section - CfP

Guest editors: 

Stefano Denicolai, University of Pavia

Giovanna Magnani, University of Pavia

Joaquín Alegre Vidal, University of Valencia

The CfP for EMJ Management Focus Section on “Competitive Renaissance through Digital Transformation” is open, with deadline 30 March, 2021.

This Management Focus will analyse the dynamics of digital transformation with respect to how digital technologies can enable a sustainable renaissance of organizations’ competitiveness, considering both SMEs and larger corporations, as well as a new wave of entrepreneurs. The section will address a wide range of topics such as (but not limited to):

- The ontology of digital resources, artifacts and technologies

- Digital technology as a driver for entrepreneurship and competitiveness in a post-COVID-19 world

- Emerging digital technology (e.g. artificial intelligence), new ventures and business model innovations

- Creation and appropriation of value in the algorithmic economy

- Competition in digital platforms and ecosystems

- The relationship between digital innovation, entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability

- The relationship between digital transformation and international business

- Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing and new configuration of global factories

- Digitalization of services, unified commerce and the ‘rebirth’ of retail.

For further info go to:

Giovanna Magnani, PhD
Associate Professor of Management and International Business
Vice Director, PhD program in Applied Economics & Management

Department of Economics and Management
University of Pavia - IT
Via San Felice, 5 27100 Pavia, Italy
phone: +39 0382-986218
personal web site

Denicolai, S., Zucchella, A., Magnani, G. (2021). “Internationalization, digitalization, and sustainability: Are SMEs ready? A survey on synergies and substituting effects among growth paths”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 16 (May 2021), Available online 

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