

You're invited to join the MSU Surplus Store<> & Recycling Center<> (SSRC) for a Town Hall featuring guest Matt Flechter, Recycling Market Development Specialist, with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).

State of Recycling
Thursday, March 25, at 7 p.m. on Zoom
Register<;!!HXCxUKc!k6Sk-RHYlhyo020MWanrCHIYdiRo5y7DnSOOmb-X6Oih9DZ8gHKakp4OXuKp28M$> to receive the link to attend.

In a casual interview, SSRC's manager, Kris Jolley, will talk with Matt about the state of recycling in Michigan.

Topics will include:

  *   How Michigan's recycling rate and per capita landfill rate compare to other states' rates
  *   EGLE's role in statewide recycling efforts and the department's goal to triple the recycling rate
  *   The Bottle Bill and other recycling-related legislation
  *   Your questions!

An open Q & A session will follow the conversation. Stay 'til the end for a special treat from SSRC.

This event is part of a monthly Town Hall series hosted by SSRC. Next month's topic is on conducting a Home Waste Audit. Find out more<>.

-Katie Deska
Education & Upcycle Coordinator
MSU Surplus Store<> and Recycling<>
Pronouns: she/her<>