IMPORTANT UPDATES FROM SIRC [Image result for Hilton Logo]<;!!HXCxUKc!hdGzUbtjIHHT_y7QGRB-k0-Spu9ha2rxpCi6zLpae3ii-jqw2gzohHycn2PyiKUoa8f57EffBf0$> Hilton Virtual Internship Information Sessions Hospitality Students, are you looking for a paid corporate internship? Do you want to spend your summer with a team of professionals using your talents and gaining more skills at an award-winning global company? Hilton is offering two virtual Internships! To learn more Hilton’s Campus Recruitment Team invites you to attend their Virtual Information Sessions. During the session, you’ll hear from Jess Petitt, Vice President Data Analytics and the Campus Team. They will discuss the history and future of Hilton’s global hospitality company and provide all the details on their summer and fall virtual corporate internship program. They will also review the additional information about their internship on the attached flyer. Register for the session of your choice by clicking the link below. Hilton Virtual Internship Info Session February 16, 12:30-1:30 PM - EST<*3A*2F**2Fus*2Fen*2Fevent*2F601d989046e0fb0006efcd37*2FVirtual-Summer-Internship-2021&data=04*7C01*7CMeredith.Moore**7C9e4a6a2061234a59db8408d8cd320c9b*7C660292d2cfd54a3db7a7e8f7ee458a0a*7C0*7C0*7C637484962140320228*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=TyS8n0zM*2B*2BDe*2BlQbIkStgwSQHmK60c2ZsUR7IhCTCT4*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!HXCxUKc!jlcIzRcfZ2sozz9L7JJsK5QQeHOEnohrwSDc1-_dykrw5smCzsz2KU2ylBfXNXWyBQ$> Hilton Virtual Internship Info Session February 23, 7:00-8:00 PM – EST<*3A*2F**2Fus*2Fen*2Fevent*2F601d993546e0fb0006efcd3d*2FVirtual-Summer-Internship-2021&data=04*7C01*7CMeredith.Moore**7C9e4a6a2061234a59db8408d8cd320c9b*7C660292d2cfd54a3db7a7e8f7ee458a0a*7C0*7C0*7C637484962140330185*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=YbQK76ROiR2Gzh3S*2B53j1PxCmzdoMejR4KfO4UtvhhE*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!HXCxUKc!jlcIzRcfZ2sozz9L7JJsK5QQeHOEnohrwSDc1-_dykrw5smCzsz2KU2ylBcH5AXgbA$> [Hyatt Lodge]<> Hyatt Lodge Oak Brook Hyatt Lodge, a private hideaway, surrounded by acres of forest preserve and a scenic lake located in the Heart of in Oak Brook, Illinois is hiring for the following positions. * Room Attendant—Full-time * Room Attendant—Part-time * Front Office Agent/Host—Part-time To apply for the position's positions listed above visit Davidson Hotels Career Page.<> If you would like to visit with SIRC about career advice, please visit our virtual office on the zoom link below [cid:eb3a685e-b22c-45af-beaa-5df611643c3d] Student and Industry Resource Center "SIRC" Career Services for The School of Hospitality Business Broad College of Business Owen Hall Room 130 Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 T: (517) 353-9747 | F: (517) 432-1170 [log in to unmask] Virtual Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00 pm WHO WILL MAKE BUSINESS HAPPEN? Spartans Will.