Dear Colleagues,
The Journal of World Business is starting a new initiative to encourage scholarly discourse on issues of social and practical relevance that do not get sufficient attention in our field. Towards this end, we are inviting authors to submit
their papers that will enter a rapid review process. Our first call is on the topic of “Multinationals and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”. Please see the detailed call below.
Ajai Gaur
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of World Business
Dean’s Eminent Research Professor and Vice-Chair
Department of Management and Global Business
Rutgers Business School, Rutgers University, Newark 07102
Journal of World Business
Rolling Call for Papers with a Rapid Review Process
Current Cycle: March 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021
Multinationals and the United Nations Social Development Goals (SDGs)
The editorial team of JWB invites authors to submit manuscripts in the form of research notes on special topics that we will announce on a rolling basis. This Rolling Call
for Papers is a new initiative by the Journal of World Business aimed at publishing manuscripts on immediate business and societal issues in a timely manner. The topic of the rolling call will change every 4-6 months. Submissions pertaining to topics from
past cycles should be submitted as a regular submission. In some cases, we might consider late submissions for expedited review. In the current cycle, we invite authors to submit manuscripts on the following topic:
Multinationals and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
We invite quantitative and qualitative empirical papers directly related to the intersection of international business and the SDGs. Perspectives and commentaries will not
be considered. We are interested in research that directly informs our scientific understanding of the role of multinational organizations – in all their forms – in phenomena and issues related to progress toward the UN SDGs. Cross-country comparative examinations
of firm-level phenomena directly related to the UN SDGs will also be considered. We particularly welcome research by scholars from intersecting and adjacent disciplines to international business.
We seek high-impact papers that enhance our conceptual and practical understanding of the focal issue. There are many topics that may be relevant, including but not limited
What are some specific ways by which multinational organizations contribute to or impede progress toward specific SDGs?
How does context shape the ways in which organizations contribute to or impede progress toward specific SDGs?
What role do SDGs play in organizational decisions and processes among multinational organizations?
Manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages of text (about 5000 words), excluding title page, abstract, references, tables/figures, and appendices. Each submission will first
be screened to ensure appropriate fit with JWB’s aims and scope, high scientific rigor, and fit to this cycle’s topic. Manuscripts selected for further consideration will be assigned to a senior editor and two reviewers. We will strive to provide an initial
editorial decision on submitted manuscripts within 21 days of submission. If a revision is granted, we expect authors to revise manuscripts within 21 days. There will be a maximum of two rounds of review, including the initial editorial decision. Accepted
articles will be posted online within a short time frame.
Given the nature of the submissions and review process, we expect articles to be published as research notes. Research notes have the same rigor and format as full-length
articles, but they are shorter in length. However, the editorial team will determine the format of the final article on a case-by-case basis. Manuscripts will be considered as they are received, and authors should follow JWB’s format and submit to the manuscript
portal, selecting as article type “VSI: Rolling Special Topics.” Submitting authors should also indicate in the cover letter that the manuscript is submitted to this rolling call for papers.