We are looking for a talented young researcher in the business and management field, for a postdoc position at the University of Pavia (IT).

Research topics
Recent worldwide challenges posed by environmental and health-related conditions call organizations and institutions to act with urgency. Given this background, the research project should focus on how digital transformation at the organizational level can inform international entrepreneurship and strategic management, and the growth of innovative business models in the context of emergency and extreme uncertainty. In particular, two streams of research are considered: a) strategic management in response to pandemic and health emergencies; b) international entrepreneurship and strategic management practices to support circular entrepreneurship and management.
Deadline to apply: January 25, 2021

Links and further details:
Here the text in English:
Here are the indications for drawing up the research project to be proposed for selection:

All the best to the all AIB community,

Stefano Denicolai, PhD
Professor in 'Innovation Management', University of Pavia
Head of Executive MBA Ticinensis
Head of MIBE | Master in International Business and Entrepreneurship 
Department of Business and Management
Latest Article: Precision Medicine: Implications for value chains and business models in life sciences, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 151, February 2020, 119767

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