There are several heroes selected for this year’s competition who are or were tremendous contributors to a more just and sustainable food system, such as Winona LaDuke’s efforts for indigenous food sovereignty, Cesar Chavez’s
work with the United Farm Workers union and labor protections for migrant labor, and Grace Lee Boggs, who contributed to Civil rights work and fostered many youth programs in Detroit that integrated food and environment.
I encourage you to consider applying, and am happy to help support you in locating team partners or source materials if you are interested. Application deadline is January 15th. There is a $3000 award for the winning team.
Multicultural Business Programs is accepting team applications for the 20th Annual Black History Month Multicultural Heroes Hall of Fame Case Competition until Friday, January 15, 2021 at 5 PM.
A PDF of the application and an Instagram friendly graphic is attached.
Teams must consist of three MSU undergraduates. The competition is open to all MSU undergraduates enrolled in spring semester 2021.
Each team selects a multicultural hero from the list provided on the application. A team has 10 minutes to make their case including a biographical overview, how their hero has carried and passed the torch of justice, how their hero contributed to the struggle
for human rights, the relationship between their hero and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and why he/she should be inducted into the Hall of Fame. The winning team is selected by a panel of judges and will receive a $3000 grand prize.
The final round of the competition will take place on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 from 6 PM-8 PM on Zoom. Multicultural Business Programs and Altria Group Distribution Company sponsor the competition.
In the past 19 years the Multicultural Heroes Case Competition 614 students have participated.
If you have questions please email Ann Crain at
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Sherri Henry
Pronouns: she, her, hers (learn more about pronouns here)
Director, Residential Business Community
Eli Broad College of Business
Michigan State University
River Trail Engagement Center
817 E. Shaw Lane, C101-L McDonel Hall
East Lansing, MI 48825
W: 517-884-4087 E:
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Stay healthy, practice safe physical distancing, wear a mask, and GO GREEN!
“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”
– Albert Einstein
I am following guidance from Michigan State University, as well as local, state and federal public health agencies in response to COVID-19, including wearing a face covering and maintaining a safe physical distance from others. I am currently working two days
in the office and the rest of the week remotely. I am responding to emails on a regular basis. I am also available on Microsoft Teams when available.