---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE 7TH COPENHAGEN CONFERENCE ON: EMERGING MARKET MULTINATIONALS: OUTWARD INVESTMENT FROM EMERGING ECONOMIES Date: 14-15 October 2021 Venue: Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark Web: http://sf.cbs.dk/ofdi/conferences/2021_conference ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW This year’s conference welcomes all papers related to the general conference theme of 'Outward investment from emerging economies'. In addition, this year the conference particularly invites papers related to the special theme of 'Emerging market multinationals and the politics of internationalization'. More information on the general and the special theme can be found below. The conference offers travel grants to three PhD students/postdocs, awarded on a competitive basis. Applicants can indicate in their submission, if they wish to apply. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University Klaus Meyer, Ivey Business School Lourdes Casanova, Cornell University Rajneesh Narula, Henley Business School Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University Sarianna Lundan, University Bremen IMPORTANT DATES Submission of paper deadline: 16 August Paper acceptance/rejection: 23 August Registration & submission of final paper: 1 September Conference: 14-15 October SUBMISSION & PUBLICATION Please email your paper to [log in to unmask] as an MS Word or PDF document. Prospective participants are encouraged to also consider submission for the related special issue of International Business Review (IBR), see the call for papers: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-business-review/call-for-papers/emerging-market-multinationals The previous conferences in the series have produced special issues of Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of International Management, International Journal of Technology Management, European Management Journal, International Journal of Emerging Markets, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, and International Journal of Technology and Globalization. Accepted papers will be uploaded to an electronic proceedings on the conference website. CONFERENCE FEE The conference fee is EUR250. The fee covers meals, refreshments and conference materials. The dinner Friday is an optional extra. FURTHER INFORMATION Conference participants will also serve as discussants on one paper. The list of keynote speakers is subject to change. Visit also the conference website: http://sf.cbs.dk/ofdi/conferences/2021_conference For further information, contact: Peter Gammeltoft Department of International Economics, Government and Business; Copenhagen Business School Email: [log in to unmask] SPONSORS Carlsberg Foundation Otto Mønsted Foundation GENERAL THEME: 'OUTWARD INVESTMENT FROM EMERGING ECONOMIES' Multinational companies from emerging economies (EMNCs) have become major players in the globalized world economy and wield growing influence on economic dynamics in developed, emerging, and developing countries alike. Firms and governments in developed countries increasingly need to engage with the array of challenges and opportunities presented by emerging market multinationals seeking access to markets and assets. Important impacts of outward direct investment from emerging economies (OFDI) are also felt in developing host countries, where investments from emerging economies are becoming more and more significant. No less important are the effects in the home countries of the outward investing firms themselves. The rise of outward investment from emerging and developing countries requires further scrutiny theoretically, empirically and methodologically. Illustrative topics: • Are internationalization patterns and strategies of EMNCs qualitatively different from what we know from extant theories? • What are the dynamics of motives with which EMNCs invest abroad, which strategies do they pursue and which challenges do they face? • Are there systematic variations in EMNCs’ internationalization process by industry, technology base or country of origin? • How do EMNCs impact on different types of host economies? How are costs and benefits distributed? How are benefits captured? Which new policy challenges do they introduce? • How are home economies affected by the internationalization of domestic firms? Should home countries pursue particular policies to accelerate or otherwise influence their OFDI? • Does the internationalization process tend to exhibit different characteristics and dynamics for EMNCs than for developed-economy MNCs? Is it distinct for capability-seeking FDI? • From a co-evolutionary perspective, what are the dynamics of the interrelationship between institutional change and corporate strategy? How do EMNCs’ international activities impact institutional development at home? • How do EMNCs leverage economic, political and social ties at home to access and compete in foreign markets, especially developed country markets? • Which HRM strategies do EMNCs deploy to engage with local labor forces? • How do industrial relations systems interact with EMNC strategies and strategy implementation? • Do EMNCs differ from developed-country MNCs in terms of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility? • What distinguishes international investment strategies by state-owned and privately owned EMNCs? Is government ownership enabler or liability in internationalization? • Which are the roles of sovereign wealth funds? • How does EMNC behavior vary between different industries and why? • How does the rise of EMNCs influence global competition in different industries? SPECIAL THEME: 'EMERGING MARKET MULTINATIONALS AND THE POLITICS OF INTERNATIONALIZATION' With this year's special theme, the conference particularly welcomes contributions, which extend the understanding of the multi-level interplay between political processes, governance and policies and the internationalization of emerging market multinationals and the implications it holds for firms, governments and international regimes. This theme spans a range of specific topics and can be approached with different disciplinary, theoretical and empirical lenses. Hence, both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome, applying qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods, and contributions from a range of disciplines are encouraged, such as international business, strategy and organization, political science, economic geography, economic sociology, economic history, as well as cross-disciplinary contributions. Illustrative but by no means exhaustive questions pertaining to the special theme include the following: • How and with which outcomes do home governments support the internationalization of EMNCs, both domestically and abroad? • How and with which effects do host governments seek to capture the opportunities and mitigate the risks from the increasing presence and strengths of EMNCs? • How do dynamics between different levels of government in home countries, e.g. central vs regional, affect EMNC internationalization? • What are the roles of diplomacy and soft power in EMNC internationalization? • Which nonmarket strategies do EMNCs deploy to mobilize the support of or to mitigate the adverse effects of governments in home and host countries? • Do EMNCs' nonmarket strategies vary systematically with firm characteristics such as forms of ownership, governance, nationality, industry or certain types of capabilities? • How do protectionist measures and increasing regulatory scrutiny in host economies influence international strategies and supply chain organization of EMNCs? • How do EMNCs manage increasing political risk and regulatory uncertainty? • How have international regimes evolved to shape EMNC internationalization? How do firms and governments seek to actively influence their evolution? • How do civil society organizations, popular movements and the media shape the responses to EMNC internationalization? -- PETER GAMMELTOFT, Ph.D. Professor (wsr) DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS EGB COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL EGB, office 3.59 Porcelænshaven 24A DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark Tel.: +45 3815 3369 www.cbs.dk/en/staff/pgegb [log in to unmask] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.