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A new issue of AIB Insights is ready to read.

[log in to unmask]" align="left" hspace="15" v:shapes="Picture_x0020_2">As an AIB member, you need insights you can use to keep improving your your teaching and research. Fortunately, we've got a fresh collection of short, applied articles that provide "Actionable International Business Insights".

A table of contents for our newly published edition of AIB Insights is available below—Volume 20, Issue 3 is a special issue, focused on the “Effects of Coronavirus on International Business”. 

We hope you find these articles helpful. For all the latest AIB Insights news, be sure to visit the publication's new website.





Letter from the Editors: Special Issue on “Effects of Coronavirus on International Business”

John Mezias (Editor), William Newburry (Associate Editor)



New Opportunities and Cautionary Insights about Decentralizing and Deglobalizing Clinical Trials During the Great Lockdown

Denise Dunlap, Roberto Santos, David McManus, Bryan Buchholz, Nathaniel Hafer, MaryAnn Picard



Taming COVID-19 through Social Resilience: A Meta-Capability Policy Framework from Australia and New Zealand

Jane Menzies, Matevz Raskovic



COVID-19 and the Dynamics of Distance in International Business

Christine Côté, Saul Estrin, Klaus Meyer, Daniel Shapiro



Exploring the Liability of Origin: Lessons from Smithfield Foods and Meat Processing in the US During COVID-19

Daniel Shapiro, Jing Li, Cai Mitsu Feng



Global Supply Chains in Response to COVID-19: Adopting a Real Options Mindset

Luis Perez-Batres, Len Treviño



Rethinking Overseas Production: The Case of COVID-19 and Negative Externality

Ofra Bazel-Shoham, Amir Shoham



COVID-19 and International Diversification: A New Paradigm for Multinationals

Kaitlyn DeGhetto




The submission deadline for AIB Insights's next special issue, "Managing Reputation Across Borders" is almost here: December 31, 2020. Read our official Call for Papers for submission instructions and to see if your work would make a good fit.


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