Financial Inclusion: In Pursuit of UN SDG 8.10


Prof. Dr. Glenn Muschert (Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE)

Prof. Dr. Vijay Pereira (NEOMA Business School, France)

Dr. Vikash Ramiah (University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE)

Dr. Aslı Cansın Doker (Erzincan University, Turkey).


VOLUME THEME: Scholars in economics, business, and social science fields are invited to submit abstracts for a planned volume under contract with Springer Publishing. In 2015, the UN established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for global progress to be achieved by 2030, including the goal to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all,” more commonly known as SDG 8. This volume provides an academic discussion of the topic of financial inclusion via an examination of SDG sub-goal 8.10, which is to “strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all.” This is accomplished in two ways: 1) by providing a scholarly examination how business, economics, and social science fields understand, define, and assess SDG 8.10 from various disciplinary perspectives; and, 2) by clarifying how multi-disciplinary scholarship can identify challenges, key indicators, and potentialities to achieve SDG 8.10 and boost financial inclusion.


Sustainability is a holistic approach covering ecological, economic, and social dimensions, and the underlying goal is to establish a livable world in every aspect for current and future generations. This volume focuses specifically on SDG 8.10, which involves increasing financial inclusion via enhancing access to banking, insurance, and other financial services.  While there are many existing studies of sustainable development and economic growth, this volume will be among the first to examine SDG 8.10 from a multidisciplinary perspective including academic fields in business studies, economics, and social sciences. With this multifaceted perspective, the volume breaks new ground, and fills a gap in the existing literature on study of financial inclusion. The conversation will be accessible to academics and a broader audience interested in SDGs, economic development, and financial inclusion more broadly.


COVERAGE:  The proposed volume, Financial Inclusion: In Pursuit of UN SDG 8.10, will include chapters examining economic, sociological, financial, and/or other social science and business studies perspectives on SDG 8.10 and its key indicators. The editors welcome contributions from scholars in a wide range of constituent fields, and are ecumenical regarding theoretical and methodological approaches. Each chapter should examine the issue of financial inclusion, and must include relevant indicators in its empirical analysis, while linking theoretically to one or more perspectives in the business, economics, and social science fields.


APPROACH:  The volume will approach the subject from a general social scientific and business studies approach, as the intention is to consolidate the findings of varying scholarly perspectives in a single volume.  While each chapter links to an appropriate theory and methodology, as a whole the volume will allow the reader access to the perspectives of academic social scientists and business scholars.  In this context, the volume will contribute to the multi-disciplinary conversation about SDG 8.10, and will bring a novel mix of scholars and perspectives in order to achieve broad discourse and to reach innovative conclusions.


Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas relating to SDG 8.10:

·         algorithms

·         alternative finance

·         artificial intelligence

·         banking

·         behavioral finance

·         big data

·         blockchain

·         central banks

·         corporate finance

·         credit

·         cryptocurrency

·         CSR

·         decision making

·         DeFi

·         digital transformation

·         economic development

·         ESG

·         financial econometrics

·         financial inclusion

·         financial literacy

·         FinTech

·         FDI

·         gender

·         global north/south

·         governance

·         green washing

·         human flourishing

·         indigenous finance

·         innovation

·         insurance

·         international finance

·         interventions

·         investments

·         Islamic finance

·         macro/micro economy

·         markets

·         micro-finance

·         mobile money

·         multi-national firms

·         pensions/retirement

·         personal finance

·         private/public sector

·         public finance/policy

·         regulatory frameworks

·         risk  & risk reduction

·         savings

·         shocks

·         social media

·         social security

·         SMEs

·         surveillance capitalism

·         sustainability

·         taxation regimes

·         wealth economics


ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The special issue editors invite colleagues worldwide to prepare extended abstracts for proposed chapter contributions (max 500 words). Each abstract should clearly relate to financial inclusion and SDG 8.10 and associated indicators. In addition, each proposed chapter should utilize a clear theoretical perspective and methodology drawn from the broad fields of business and social sciences. Submit extended abstract by 15 January 2021 to the editors via email, as specified below, with the subject line “SDG 8.10 Proposal.” Invitations to submit full chapters for review issued by 15 February 2021, with chapters due 1 August 2021, comprising a maximum of 5.000 words, including abstract, tables, figures, and references.



Prof. Dr. Glenn W. Muschert (Professor of Sociology, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, UAE). [log in to unmask]


Prof. Dr. Vijay Pereira (Professor of International and Strategic Human Capital, NEOMA Business School, France) [log in to unmask]       


Dr. Vikash Ramiah (Associate Professor of Finance, University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE) [log in to unmask]


Dr. Aslı Cansın Doker (Assistant Professor of Economics, Erzincan University, Turkey). [log in to unmask]

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