NEW SPECIAL ISSUE Intellectual capital in R&D Management.
We are very pleased to announce R&D Management
Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Intellectual Capital in R&D Management.
This special issue aims to unveil how intellectual capital is related to R&D Management, R&D projects, and R&D operations. A direct link to the call is available here.
Guest Editor Team:
Marco Greco, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy)
Pia Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, University of Oulu (Finland)
Anne-Laure Mention, RMIT (Australia)
Asta Pundziene, University of California (USA), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
Alberto Di Minin, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Italy)
Submission open from 01/09/2021 until 31/10/2021.
This issue will be published in the course of 2022. However, your paper will be published in advance-online viewing on the R&D Management website as soon as the review process is completed, so it might appear earlier.
I Sincerely
Prof.dr. Asta Pundzienė
Visiting Scholar
F402 Haas School of Business,
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1930
Phone: (510) 603-0081
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Rektoriaus patarėja mokslo ir inovacijų vystymo klausimais I
Advisor to the Rector for Strategic Development of Research and Innovation
Vadybos ir administravimo mokslo krypties doktorantūros komiteto pirmininkė
Chairman of the Doctoral Committee in Management and Administration
Kauno technologijos universitetas
I Kaunas University of Technology
Ekonomikos ir verslo fakultetas
I School of Economics and Business
Gedimino 50-255, LT-44239 Kaunas
+370 618 70440 (UTC+2)
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