Dear Friends and Colleagues, Please note that the submission deadline for the special issue on "Indian Management" in Journal of Business Research is December 31, 2020. While submitting, please choose VSI "Indian Management" to ensure that your submission is assigned to the correct SI. Here is the call for your perusal. []<> Journal of Business Research<> Guest Editors Dr. Debmalya Mukherjee, University of Akron, USA Dr. Chinmay Pattnaik, University of Sydney, Australia Dr. Satish Kumar,... Regards, Deb Debmalya Mukherjee, PhD Professor of Management Associate Editor | Journal of Business Research Senior Editor | Asia Pacific Journal of Management College of Business Administration The University of Akron Email: [log in to unmask] [cid:702c5fa4-fb7c-4262-8e15-c923018ff534] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.