Journal of World Business

Virtual Special Issue Information Session – December 2, 2020


Scale-ups and Scaling in an International Business Context


Submission Deadline: May 31, 2021


The Journal of World Business (JWB) will be holding a virtual information session on December 2, 2020 for the open Special Issue: “Scale-ups and Scaling in an International Business Context”. The session will be led by the guest editors of the Special Issue.


Special Issue Call:




Timing: One-hour session at following times:

10:00 (New York), 15:00 (London), 23:00 (Beijing), 02:00 (Sydney, +1 day),


Session Structure:


To register and receive details for joining the session, please use the following link:


If you have any questions, please reach out to Esther Tippmann ([log in to unmask]).


We look forward to seeing you in this virtual session soon!


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