in International Business:
from Experienced Journal Editors
As an international business scholar, how can you be more successful in publishing your research? What are best practices in identifying research topics, crafting manuscripts, and managing
the revise & resubmit process? What should you know about a strategic approach to publishing? How should you go about targeting journals? What are common reasons why reviewers recommend rejection?
These and similar issues will be addressed by three experienced journal editors who are also accomplished scholars. They will offer guidelines and suggestions for enhancing your careers
as active contributors to knowledge development. They will also share comments about the positioning and editorial objectives of such leading publications as the Journal of International Marketing and the Journal of International Business Studies.
Learn about publishing best practices in international business journals.
Gain from the personal insights of three seasoned scholars regarding their scholarly contributions.
Develop a comprehensive understanding of marketing your intellectual output.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EDT)