Dear Colleagues

I would like to inform you that Vol. 4 No. 1 of International Journal of Export Marketing (IJEXPORTM) will be very soon published.

Still I would like to ask you to send 2 more papers to IJEXPORTM to be published in January 2021.

In this way IJEXPORTM will complete 4 issues and 20 published papers during 2020 for the needs of Scopus and Emerging Web of Science List qualifications.

Many thanks


Dr Dafnis N. Coudounaris (F-EMAB, Board of Governors of GIKA, Editorial Review Board of JBR)

Associate Professor (Visiting) in IB (Aalborg University Business School)

Email: [log in to unmask]

Visiting Lecturer (School of Economics and Business Administration - University of Tartu)

Email: [log in to unmask]

Mob: +35796572295

Researchgate’s web page:

Google scholar citations:

Member of Editorial review board of Journal of Business Research.

Member of Editorial board of Journal of Innovation and Knowledge.

Member of Editorial board of Anatolia.

Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management.

Editor in Chief of International Journal of Export Marketing      

IJEXPORTM has got recognition by Finnish List (JUFO1, Scientific 1 Level), Norwegian List (Scientific 1 Level), USA List (Cabell’s directory).

IJEXPORTM is listed in the Polish List (ICI Journals master list database for 2019,

Next year 2021 I am expecting that IJEXPORTM will enter both SCOPUS List and the Emerging List of Web of Science.

Inderscience Publishers has applied for the ABS List of 2021.

Editor in Chief of Nordic Journal of Tourism (NJT) (ISSN 2633-4992) of Inderscience Publishers at ;

Submission of a paper to Nordic Journal of Tourism through Inderscience Publishers:

Cost of an open-access paper: 700 USD payable to Indescience Publishers

E-mail: [log in to unmask] ,


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