

The latest issue of Journal of Teaching in International Business offers a selection of papers related to cross-cultural communication and IB teaching. In addition, we feature a bibliometric study on the papers published in JTIB between 1989 and 2019.

Cross-Cultural Communication and IB Teaching
Volume 31 Issue 3, Nov 2020

Cross-Cultural Communication and IB Teaching
Raj Aggarwal & Yinglu Wu

Research Articles
Does National Culture Influence Peer Evaluations on Global Virtual Teams?
Kerri Anne Crowne
Abstract - Using Hofstede’s classification of national culture, this article examines whether culture influences peer evaluation of performance on global virtual teams (GVTs). Two separate analyses were conducted based on the hypotheses developed. The first analysis included close to 8,000 students and the second included over 3,000 students, all who participated on GVTs through X-Culture, a 10-week GVT project. Results indicated that the cultural variables had a weak effect on peer assessment of performance, and the most influential variable on performance was English language ability. This article is particularly timely due to the increased use of GVTs in the business world, which has led to calls for more use of virtual teams to be incorporated into course work. Furthermore, the use of GVTs benefits students because it helps them develop global competencies without having to complete a study abroad.

A Multimodal Course Design for Intercultural Business Communication
Amily Dongshuo Wang Guénier
Abstract - This study presents a course design that integrates multimodal sounds, pictures, videos, student presentations, guest speakers, and group work into a multimodal course to enhance intercultural communication competence into a high-profile business training course. The course is tailor-made for 488 managers and staff in one of the world's top 10 banks whose branch is based in London. Innovative experiential techniques are embedded in the course to meet their professional needs. The evaluation from the participants suggested that the course was highly useful and challenging, which produced a positive impact on the trainees’ intercultural awareness and empathy in terms of more affective commitment, better behavioral performance and enhanced cognitive curiosity in intercultural business communication (IBC). The innovative ideas of the course design, examples of good practice and integrated multimodal pedagogy have paved the way for other colleagues designing and delivering similar courses.

The Kago Suihen Textbook Series and Japan’s Business Language Education in Early Twentieth-Century Shanghai
Paul Sinclair Dongyan Blachford
Abstract - This paper examines a remarkable artifact of international business education, a four-book business Chinese language series published in Shanghai from 1916 to 1933 by a Japanese business school. Language-centered business education, they concluded, could break Japanese dependence on intermediaries and provide a significant competitive advantage over their western competitors. We carefully tabulate the main content of each chapter in this textbook series and draw on the theory of Situated Learning for our analysis. We find specific lessons in this historical content for teachers, business faculties, and government agencies currently tasked with improving today’s international business programming with respect to the dynamic Chinese business environment.

Three Decades of the Journal of Teaching in International Business: A Bibliometric Overview
Riya Sureka, Naveen Donthu, & Satish Kumar
Abstract - The Journal of Teaching in International Business (JTIB) is a dedicated and premier platform for research on teaching international business. This study presents a comprehensive overview of the papers published in JTIB between 1989 and 2019 through bibliometric methods. Using data from Scopus database, the publications were analyzed, applying a range of bibliometric techniques, such as descriptive analysis, bibliographic coupling analysis, coauthorship analysis, and keyword analysis. The study further explores the thematic structure of the journal with 4 clusters identified as international business education, international business curriculum, experiential learning and technology, and cross-cultural issues. It highlights the temporal progression of the research constituents and the substantive areas in the journal. Thus, this study will provide meaningful insights to scholars of the discipline. Moreover, it is the first attempt to summarize the publications of JTIB.

Yinglu(Elle) Wu
Associate Professor of Marketing
Managing Editor, Journal of Teaching in International Business (JTIB)
Boler College of Business
John Carroll University
1 John Carroll Blvd
University Heights, OH 44118
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