Dear colleagues,


I’m sharing this posting on behalf of a colleague at CSU-Fullerton. This looks like an outstanding opportunity for an early career geoscience educator! Please share widely with your students and networks.


Cheers, Heather



The Department of Geological Sciences at California State University, Fullerton invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship that will begin August 2021.


California State University, Fullerton is a Hispanic-Serving Institution and an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer with a strong commitment to increasing the diversity of the campus community and the curriculum, and fostering an inclusive environment within which students, staff, administrators, and faculty thrive. Candidates who can contribute to this goal through their teaching, research, advising and other activities are encouraged to identify their strengths and experiences in this area. Individuals advancing the University’s strategic diversity goals and those from groups whose underrepresentation in the American professoriate has been severe and longstanding are particularly encouraged to apply.


We seek a geoscience educator who develops, applies, and evaluates new geoscience teaching innovations and curricula, as well as develops and tests geoscience education research questions and hypotheses. We expect candidates to show evidence of an existing or developing active, externally funded student-centered research program. We seek a scholar who demonstrates interest and ability to teach courses in geoscience education and general geology at various levels including; general education, lower- and upper-division undergraduate, and graduate courses. The successful candidate shall: (1) coordinate geoscience education courses; (2) help facilitate the integration of teacher preparation into our B.A. program; and (3) be involved in program-level assessment for our department.


For additional information, please see attached or this link:

Dr. Heather Petcovic


Chair, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences

Western Michigan University


269-387-5487 Phone

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