

Dear AIB members,

We are pleased to share the Inaugural Issue of our semi-annual Newsletter where your colleagues share their tips on teaching, exciting new course materials, easy to implement exercises, and more. You can access it through T&E SIG website at

We encourage you to sign up for regular updates at<;!!KwNVnqRv!WwcTl2HgAF2bc7sMja_hBx0dznl98i7TYX76KJ2QVFn_Ka8jnYDFRIq6iflCgQcr59E$> and to share your pedagogy tips, educational materials and teaching news with the AIB community at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

More news and teaching insights will come soon, so let's stay in touch!

Best regards,

T&E SIG Board
Vice Chair, Resources: Miguel Ignacio Cordova
Vice Chair, Member Engagement: Marleen Dieleman
Vice Chair, Finances: Margaret Fletcher
Chair: Daria Panina
Vice Chair, Communications: Ausrine Silenskyte
Vice Chair, Events: Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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