International Business Webinar Series

Hosted by GSU-CIBER



The Student Goal Centered Syllabus© —

A new tool to Enhance Student

Engagement and Learning




Sarah Ku, Georgia State University

Dr. Elizabeth Napier, The University of Toledo

John Riesenberger, Consilium Partners, Inc.



Thursday, October 29, 2020

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EDT)




Over 75% of students report higher levels of anxiety, depression and stress due to the global corona-virus pandemic.


This is also affecting instructors as campuses open back up for an unprecedented blend of remote and in person learning. These, and other factors, are negatively impacting student engagement and learning.


We note that there is an unfortunate gap between what students are taught in college and what they are expected to know to be career ready post-graduation.


Thus, how can we help our students through these challenging times?


In this webinar, we share tips and tools on how instructors can become more compassionate and effective educators.  As we begin to rethink how we connect with our students, there is an opportunity to build greater rapport by understanding their career goals, their need for the development of both hard and soft skills, and by placing greater focus on relevant course content.


We present techniques on how each of us can make a positive and inspiring first-impression with our students by utilizing the innovative Student Goal Centered Syllabus©.


The Student Goal Centered Syllabus© has been designed to cultivate a more collaborative, relationship-building environment.  It links student career goals to the course Learning Outcomes.  It utilizes a different tone, uses first and second person language, and utilizes a unique visual format appealing to a new generation of students.


At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Identify hard skills and soft skills that are not currently emphasized in many business syllabus and classes.
  • Discover student career goals and link them to the course Learning Outcomes and the skills desired by today’s employers.
  • Utilize the Student Goal Centered Syllabus© to increase student interest, engagement, and learning.



This webinar is FREE and open to all, but registration is required.

Zoom details will be sent to all registered participants.





Trouble Registering?

Email GSU-CIBER Managing Director Hannah Tripp at [log in to unmask]. 






The International Business Webinar Series is a project of the national CIBER Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Consortium, led by Georgia State University CIBER and sponsored by CIBERs at Florida International University, George Washington University, Indiana University, Loyola Marymount University, Michigan State University, Temple University, Texas A&M University, University of Colorado-Denver, and the University of Maryland. This program is partially funded by the U.S. Department of Education.




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