Dear colleagues,

Please help us spread the word about this opportunity for PhD students. 

Thank you in advance!


The University of Massachusetts Boston is currently inviting applications for its PhD in Business Administration, Organizations and Social Change (OSC) track for Fall 2021. The deadline is February 1, 2021 but we are evaluating applications on a rolling basis. 


The Organizations and Social Change PhD program has a strong reputation for its distinctive focus on topics at the intersection of business and society. Our PhD students come from varied backgrounds, with degrees in management, sociology, economics, and political science.  

We are seeking outstanding applicants who are interested in researching business and society interactions from a variety of theoretical perspectives to address topics such as:  

Graduates of our program have published in highly regarded academic journals and found academic positions at institutions in North America and Europe. Some are working in the non-profit and consulting world. One recent graduate, now an Assistant Professor at the University of San Diego, studied how the City of Boston perceives and responds to the risks of climate change. Another, now an Assistant Professor of Public Affairs at Ohio State University, studies and teaches about how nonprofit organizations can serve as a mechanism for social change.  


We invite you to continue to explore our OSC PhD program, browse the faculty profiles and look at the Frequently Asked Questions.  

Most successful applicants have a Master’s degree. Prior research experience (e.g. data analysis, literature reviews, academic writing) is highly regarded. Support of $25,000 per year is available for up to four years for admitted students who remain in good standing. 


Please click here to be put on a mailing list for further information and future webinars.  If you have specific questions, please contact me [log in to unmask] to discuss the program.  

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