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Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that Applied Psychology: An International
Review, Volume 69, Issue 4, has been published. It includes the Special
Section on Advancing the Applied Psychology of Inclusion and Diversity in
addition to regular articles. Enjoy the latest articles in AP: IR!

*Applied Psychology: An International Review, Volume 69, Issue 4 *
*Special Issue: Special Section on Advancing the Applied Psychology of
Inclusion and Diversity*

*Table of Contents*

*Special Section*

*Advancing the Applied Psychology of Inclusion and Diversity: A Special
Issue by Fons van de Vijver*
Ute Stephan

*Perceived Similarity in Multiple Categorisation*
Lusine Grigoryan

*Positive Leadership: Relationships with Employee Inclusion,
Discrimination, and Well‐Being*
Byron G. Adams M. Christina Meyers Lusanda Sekaja

*Testing the Integration Hypothesis in the Republic of Dagestan: The Role
of Social Capital*
Alexander Tatarko

*Original Articles*

*Protecting Job Performance and Well‐Being in the Demanding Work Context:
The Moderating Effect of Psychological Detachment for Chinese Employees*
Lu Chun Yi Chou

*Supportive Organizations, Work–Family Enrichment, and Job Burnout in Low
and High Humane Orientation Cultures*
Ariane Ollier‐Malaterre Jarrod M. Haar Albert Sunyer Marcello Russo

*An Examination of the Moderating Effect of Core Self‐Evaluations and the
Mediating Effect of Self‐Set Goals on the Primed Goal‐Task Performance
Guy Itzchakov Gary P. Latham

*How Do Job Insecurity and Organizational Justice Relate to Depressive
Symptoms and Sleep Difficulties: A Multilevel Study on Immediate and
Prolonged Effects in Swedish Workers*
Claudia Bernhard‐Oettel Constanze Eib Yannick Griep Constanze Leineweber

*Resilience in Virtual Teams: Developing the Capacity to Bounce Back*
William Y. Degbey Katja Einola

*When Do Leaders Initiate Changes? The Roles of Coping Style and
Organization Members’ Stability‐Emphasizing Values*
Sverdlik Shaul Oreg Yair Berson

*Detrimental Effects of Newcomer Person‐Job Misfit on Actual Turnover and
Performance: The Buffering Role of Multidimensional Person‐Environment Fit*
Nai‐Wen Chi Li‐Chun Fang Chi‐Tai Shen Hsiao‐Ling Fan

*Students’ Need Satisfaction Profiles: Similarity and Change over the
Course of a University Semester*
Nicolas Gillet Alexandre J.S. Morin Tiphaine Huyghebaert‐Zouagh Emilie
Alibran Servane Barrault Charlotte Vanhove‐Meriaux

*Entrepreneurial Risk Taking Is Related to Mental Imagery: A Fresh Look at
the Old Issue of Entrepreneurship and Risk*
Tomasz Zaleskiewicz Adriana Bernady Jakub Traczyk

*Challenges and Resilience: Managers’ Perceptions of Firm Performance
Following M&As*
Richard Croucher Keith W. Glaister Marian Rizov Yasin Rofcanin Geoffrey Wood

*Review Article*

*Increasing Psychological Capital: A Pre‐Registered Meta‐Analysis of
Controlled Interventions*
Lupșa Delia Vîrga Laurențiu P. Maricuțoiu Andrei Rusu

*Research Note*

*Money Attitudes, Personality and Chronic Impulse Buying*
Fenton‐O’Creevy Adrian Furnham

Tomoki Sekiguchi, Ph.D.
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Applied Psychology: An International Review
President, Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA)
Professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Management
Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, JAPAN
TEL: +81-75-753-3470 / FAX: +81-75-753-3492
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