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Dear AIB Colleagues:

We are pleased to inform you about the newest Shared Interest Group (SIG) within the AIB – the Sustainability-SIG.

The primary goals of this SIG are to:

·      Exchange knowledge across the wide range of academic subfields within IB for greater connectivity with sustainability issues in an IB context that will inform theories, practices, and policies;

·      Organize sustainability-oriented consortia at IB-specific conferences;

·      Create forums for building and exchanging knowledge on Sustainability and IB teaching and outreach;

·      Promote sustainability within AIB in practical terms (e.g. conference organizational matters);

·      Further the mainstreaming of sustainability in IB and AIB.

A unique feature of the Sustainability-SIG is its establishment of Knowledge Exchange Hubs (KEHs) that will be used as virtual platforms to connect the field of international business with sustainability. The initial interest areas of the KEHs are Teaching, Learning, Research; the Circular Economy in an IB context; Sustainability Through the Value Chain; and Multinational Enterprises, Sustainable Development Goals and Corporate Social Responsibility. The SIG is also informed by the United Nations’s Sustainability Development Goals. Moreover, it is anticipated that the KEHs and their foci will evolve over time in conjunction with new developments in theory, practice, and policy.

The Sustainability-SIG is made up of an Executive Founding Committee and an Executive Advisory Board (details will be available on the SIG website), as well as over 100 founding and registered members. All individuals with active AIB memberships are automatically eligible to participate in the Sustainability-SIG and its activities.

We are in the process of setting up the SIG official website and related social media platforms, as well as plans for SIG activities (emails about these will be sent separately). Additionally, for more targeted communications, the SIG is in the process of compiling a list of AIB members who have a particular interest in sustainability in IB. If you would like to be included in this list and had not completed a survey with us before, please complete an 1-minute online survey (n.b. Please ensure that you are a current member of the AIB with an active membership before completing this survey. Alternatively, you can (re)join AIB if you wish to take part in the SIG’s activities).

For any queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us as the SIG’s two primary contacts, John Dilyard ([log in to unmask]) and Shasha Zhao ([log in to unmask]) at [log in to unmask]   

We hope and envision the SIG will bring many AIB members together to share knowledge and best practices.

Shasha Zhao and John Dilyard

Dr Shasha Zhao 
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Business and Innovation II Surrey University Business School 
Associate Fellow II Centre for International Business and Development at Sussex University
Co-Founder and a Primary Contact II Academy of International Business Sustainability Shared Interest Group
Senior Editor II European Journal of International Management
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