27th Virtual Annual Conference of the

International Association for Applied Management (IAAM)

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Dear Scholars,


You are invited to present a paper(s) at the 27th virtual annual conference of the IAAM that will be held on July 8–10, 2021.



You are invited to submit a 400–500 word summary of your paper and/or proposal for a symposium for review to one of the Tracks at the IAAM website https://www.iaam1990.com/. Each submission should include the name, affiliation, phone, fax, and email of each author. Symposium proposals must include a statement of objectives and a two-page summary of each presentation.



Submissions must be RECEIVED by October 31, 2020. A double-blind review process will evaluate all submissions. Papers should not have been presented or published elsewhere prior to the conference and you are restricted to three submissions.



The meeting is organized around 8 tracks and will feature competitive and invited paper sessions, symposia, and workshops designed to share ideas and research findings. Innovative sessions are encouraged, as are research and theory targeted toward practitioners.


If you wish to publish your paper, case study, research note, or note in our annual scholarly journal, Applied Management Journal (AMJ), submit it to


All papers must be prepared according to the APA style guide and will be double-blind reviewed.


Afzal Rahim, Founding President, IAAM
Center for Advanced Studies in Management

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Ismail Civelek, President, IAAM

Western Kentucky University

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