Dear List Manager


Kindly circulate the message below to AIB Members regarding a new submission timeline for a Special Issue that we are guest-editing in the Human Resource Management Review journal? See details below


Thanks, Ashish and Pawan



Dear Colleagues,


Hope you are all keeping healthy and safe in the current environment.  Following several requests for extending the submission deadline, we are pleased to advise that the submission deadline for our Special Issue in Human Resource Management Review: Leveraging Artificial and Human Intelligence through Human Resource Management has been extended to 31st October 2020. You are, of course, more than welcome to submit anytime earlier and are indeed encouraged to submit earlier, if possible.  We attach a link for the call for papers:

Please note the revised date will be updated in due course on the Journal’s website.


Best wishes,

Pawan Budhwar & Ashish Malik



Associate Professor Ashish Malik, PhD(HRM&IR)

Faculty of Business and Law,

The University of Newcastle (UON)
Central Coast Business School, 10 Chittaway Road, Ourimbah

Associate Editor: Asia Business & Management (ABS-2)

Editorial Board Member:

Human Resource Management Review (ABDC – A)

Journal of Business Research (ABDC – A)

Journal of Knowledge Management (ABDC–A)

Contact Details:

T: +61 2 43484133 I M: +61 404525727

E: [log in to unmask]


University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

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