The Ethics of Business, Trade & Global Governance: An Online Conference


Date:  Friday, December 4, 2020

Proposal Submission Deadline: September 15, 2020

Submission email: [log in to unmask]


Plenary Speaker: Douglas Irwin

John French Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College


The Saint Anselm College Center for Ethics in Business and Governance, in cooperation with the Department of FinanceUniversity of Vienna and the University of St. Andrews Centre for Responsible Banking & Finance, announces a call for proposals for a one-day conference on the economics, ethics and governance of global commerce.


International trade policies and disputes have dominated domestic and international politics.  From the continued negotiations in the EU and the UK over Brexit to US/China tariff “battles,” the questions and debates over international trade and capital flows will not be going away, particularly in the midst, and in the aftermath, of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Many of these trade discussions highlight the economic benefits and costs of individual trade deals or policies without examining the diverse ethical, economic, social and political ramifications of globalization and trade for global actors as well as for local communities and businesses. What is needed now is a more comprehensive, interdisciplinary discussion of the complexities of international commerce.


The goal of this one-day conference is to bring together ethicists, economists, political scientists, international relations scholars, policy experts, and business leaders to examine not only the political and economic impact of globalization but also how international trade and investment can be conducted more ethically.


Suggested topics or questions that a proposal could address include:


International Commerce




Global Governance



Specifics:  We will accept proposals for individual presentations, entire panels (3-5 presentations per panel), or moderated panel discussions.  Individual proposals should consist of an abstract of no more than 350 words.  Individual presentations at the conference will be about 20 minutes.  Proposals for panels should include a proposed title and brief explanation (50-100 words) of the panel along with abstracts for each presentation.  Roundtables should include a title, a list of participants, and an explanation (up to 350 words) of the questions and issues the roundtable will address.  All proposals may be submitted via email to [log in to unmask].  If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Kyle Hubbard [log in to unmask].


Deadlines:  Proposals for individual presentations, panels, and roundtable discussions are due September 15, 2020.  All individual panel presenters will be required to submit completed papers by November 20, 2020 (two weeks prior to the conference date). 


More Information:  The online conference is hosted by the Saint Anselm College Center for Ethics in Business and Governance and supported by our partners at the University of Vienna and the St. Andrews Centre for Responsible Banking & Finance.  For more information on the conference, please see the Saint Anselm College Center for Ethics in Business and Governance website.



Dina Frutos-Bencze, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Economics and Business

Joseph Hall-Room 210

Phone: 603-656-6177


Saint Anselm College

100 Saint Anselm Drive, Box #1692

Manchester, NH 03102-1310


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