Dear colleagues, An Instructor’s Manual is now available for the Transition Economies: Transformation, Development, and Society in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union<> book. This may interest anyone teaching Economic History / Development / Transition Economies and any aspects of International Business pertaining to the developments in the economies/societies of Central & Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union. Please see details below and feel free to reach out with any questions. Sincerely, Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan, Ph.D. Henry George Chair in Economics Associate Professor of Economics The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, St. John's University<> Senior Research Fellow / Vincentian Center for Church and Society<> Research Fellow / Center for Global Business Stewardship<> Expert (Economics), Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations<> Board: Henry George School of Social Science<> and Armenian Economic Association<> e: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | w: | T: @avgevorkyan<> [] [Transition Economies]<> Dear Aleksandr: We are glad to announce publication of an Instructor’s Manual for the new book on economic history of post-socialist Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Transition Economies: Transformation, Development, and Society in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union<> by Professor Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan<>, The book has received praise<> from a wide range of scholars, including Otaviano Canuto, Gerard Roland, Branko Milanovic, Daniel McCarthy, John Marangos, among others. For a high-level overview of the book’s content, please view this presentation<> at a dedicated World Bank event. Additional information is available here<>, and academic and popular reviews may be found here<>. To access the Instructor’s Manual, go to this link to complete a<>nd submit the Support Materials request form<> by finding Transition Economies: Transformation, Development, and Society in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union (paperback ISBN 9781138831131) in the drop-down menu. For any technical questions or to request a deskcopy of the book, please reach out to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> at Routledge or Dr. A.V. Gevorkyan at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. The Peter J. Tobin College of Business St. John's University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, NY 11439<> Share this email: [Email]<> [Twitter]<> [Facebook]<> [LinkedIn]<> Manage<> your preferences | Opt out<> using TrueRemove® Got this as a forward? Sign up<> to receive our future emails. View this email online<>. 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, NY | 11439 US This email was sent to [log in to unmask] To continue receiving our emails, add us to your address book. <[log in to unmask]> [powered by emma]<> This email may contain proprietary, confidential and/or privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender by reply email and delete all copies of this message. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.