________________________________ From: Rock, Tracey <[log in to unmask]> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 12:32:03 PM To: Rock, Tracey <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Re: U S Fish and Wildlife Service Internship Opportunities, Coastal North Carolina Good question, sorry I left this information out. We provide housing yes; also we, FWS, gives each intern an "Excellence award" equaling $100/week up to $1500, this is given at the end of the internship but our "friends group" will advance any intern who needs and requests it, a $100/ wk to be repaid when awards are received. Hope that makes sense. Tracey Tracey Corey Rock Visitor Services Specialist Volunteer Coordinator Eastern North Carolina National Wildlife Refuge Complex 252-473-1131 ext.227 cell# 252-305-4460 WOW website: www.wingsoverwater.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.wingsoverwater.org/__;!!HXCxUKc!mzUzvXKpZ8g5sn9W5prCvMKy8jWBGhHzRcSYIMexU5wPk2RHCiovllZoQu8egTAH$> CWRS website: http://coastalwildliferefuge.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/coastwildliferefuge.com/__;!!HXCxUKc!mzUzvXKpZ8g5sn9W5prCvMKy8jWBGhHzRcSYIMexU5wPk2RHCiovllZoQn0uiKWG$> ARNWR website: www.fws.gov/alligatorriver<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.fws.gov/alligatorriver__;!!HXCxUKc!mzUzvXKpZ8g5sn9W5prCvMKy8jWBGhHzRcSYIMexU5wPk2RHCiovllZoQlKU41nU$> ________________________________ From: Rock, Tracey Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 11:29 AM To: Rock, Tracey <[log in to unmask]> Subject: U S Fish and Wildlife Service Internship Opportunities, Coastal North Carolina United States Department of the Interior ALLIGATOR RIVER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 100 Conservation Way Post Office Box 1969 Manteo, NC 27954 Phone: (252) 473.1131 FAX: (252) 473.1668 July 10th 2020 Good morning, My name is Tracey Rock and I‘m the Volunteer Coordinator for the Coastal North Carolina National Wildlife Refuge Complex. I recruit Interns and volunteers for several refuges. I am contacting your college in particular on the recommendation of some of our Biological staff. We recruit and house several interns each year to work with us and learn about the refuge system and management practices. I am attaching a detailed description of our Internships along with the different locations and opportunities offered. As you will see it is a varied experience with biological work, environmental education and refuge maintenance. A few goals achieved in a USFWS Internship: 1. Interns will learn and gain field experience in biological work such as , shore bird nest protection, bird banding and surveys, sea turtle nest patrol, and turtle nest monitoring, just to name a few.... 2. Interns will successfully lead public educational programs and become more comfortable in the Interpretation role. 3. Interns will learn to safely use appropriate maintenance equipment for bio and refuge work, i.e. ATV training, tractor /mower use, herbicide use... 4. Interns will follow USFWS policy and work (as a new hire would) in abiding by these regulations and working with refuge staff and other volunteers in a professional manner. This experience helps students in learning more about their chosen field of work and about themselves, to help guide them in their decisions about future career goals. To apply, students may email a cover letter with interest and dates available, a resume and three references with email contact information to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> If you feel this would be a good experience for your students please share this information with them. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you and your students. Warm regards, Tracey Corey Rock Tracey Corey Rock Visitor Services Specialist Volunteer Coordinator Eastern North Carolina National Wildlife Refuge Complex 252-473-1131 ext.227 cell# 252-305-4460 WOW website: www.wingsoverwater.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.wingsoverwater.org/__;!!HXCxUKc!mzUzvXKpZ8g5sn9W5prCvMKy8jWBGhHzRcSYIMexU5wPk2RHCiovllZoQu8egTAH$> CWRS website: http://coastalwildliferefuge.com<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/coastwildliferefuge.com/__;!!HXCxUKc!mzUzvXKpZ8g5sn9W5prCvMKy8jWBGhHzRcSYIMexU5wPk2RHCiovllZoQn0uiKWG$> ARNWR website: www.fws.gov/alligatorriver<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.fws.gov/alligatorriver__;!!HXCxUKc!mzUzvXKpZ8g5sn9W5prCvMKy8jWBGhHzRcSYIMexU5wPk2RHCiovllZoQlKU41nU$>