From: Jodie Provost <[log in to unmask]> Reply-To: Jodie Provost <[log in to unmask]> Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 6:00 PM To: NCSTWS Listserv <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports Executive Director job announcement - closes July 31 This nationally recognized Council is looking for a visionary leader to carry it into a second decade of challenges in recruitment, retention and reactivation (R3) of hunters and shooters. See attached. -------- Original message -------- From: "Torgerson, Ollie - MAFWA" <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> Date: 7/1/20 1:15 PM (GMT-06:00) Subject: CAHSS Executive Director job announcement Job opening for your information and sharing as appropriate. Subject: CAHSS Executive Director job announcement Would you all mind distributing the attached job announcement to your respective lists on behalf of the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports in our search for a new Executive Director? Don't hesitate to let me know if you need further assistance. Much obliged! J.D. Strong ~ Director Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation P.O. Box 53465 Oklahoma City, OK 73152 Office: 405-522-6279<tel:%28405%29%20522-6279> Website:<*3A*2F**2F1FKTE-V9Gx57lG72utTPbqmDaMFZ_i_Jpr9SXP55ocMgzj2wdE61wtp9uwz0353f-jE8GOQkGV2HI5b5kYXCW2aBv51ToEWbnRyCnoswoGhs5m5yG3dhXruRkriJHm0uQGX8YDDPjZ4z3PupqxBPji6dsGZUGVkxvd1vaork6fJiGBxu5rKdCHkiqntd1-d6ckqAlYnIzq5FgvGGbrh14Q7O7Tn6XNk6nDc3WbLG1LGGYYyL4aBSAK4aJxBl7CxP-*2Fhttp*253A*252F**7C01*7CJodie.provost**7C9ea18df0596145fc497e08d81e072917*7Ceb14b04624c445198f26b89c2159828c*7C0*7C0*7C637292363538875713%26sdata%3DdJFdvFn9tbs1x0uz5A2gahctFugYcSJMoHdQgDj80MU*3D%26reserved%3D0__%3BJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!HXCxUKc!lslBAAXUiJN5qOymDgSFZZt7ZDyKYeN1hrqbJYfP59G0RXJ9qZHD7RNG2k_D-Pg5NA%24&data=01%7C01%7Cschne181%40MSU.EDU%7C2dad2d1206b34e820fd508d81e0a2bab%7C22177130642f41d9921174237ad5687d%7C0&sdata=w1lcUh2SmdDivwtLMRGq43PUifBEWp%2FbYOKWVyfuUR0%3D&reserved=0>