We are pleased to announce the John H. Dunning Visiting Fellows for the 2020-21 academic year, hosted by the John H. Dunning Centre for International Business at the Henley Business School, University of Reading. A committee consisting of Mark Casson, James Walker, Alain Verbeke, Lucia Piscitello and Rajneesh Narula reviewed the applications. The Fellows for 2020 -21 are: Nan Zhou is Associate Professor at Nankai University Business School in China. She received her PhD degree from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Before joining Nankai University, she worked for Moscow School of Management Skolkovo and also China Minsheng Bank. Her research addresses questions that intersect the fields of corporate strategy and international business, focusing primarily on understanding how strategic decisions such as product diversification and globalization are influenced by firm resources and institutional environments in the context of emerging markets. Her publications have appeared in leading journals, such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, and Global Strategy Journal. Shubin Wu is a lecturer at the University of Liverpool Management School. His prior positions include Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Northeastern University of China. He received his PhD from Liaoning University in China and KU Leuven in Belgium. His research interests are in MNEs' strategic choices and their performance implications under macroeconomic uncertainty and country heterogeneity. He mainly draws from MNE theories, and particularly aim to apply real options theory to MNEs research to enhance theoretical contributions. His research appeared in the Strategic Management Journal along with other academic outlets. The visiting fellowship programme is aimed at creating opportunities for researchers at the early-to-mid stages of their career to visit and collaborate with academics at the Centre. Dunning Fellows are expected to be actively engaged in the field of international business (broadly defined), and with an inclination towards multi-disciplinary and theory-driven research, in the tradition of John Dunning. Prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Visiting fellows were expected to give at least one seminar, and to spend between 2 and 4 weeks in residence over an academic year (between September and June). We are inventing new procedures as we go along! For further details about previous recipients of this fellowship, and other information related to the Dunning Centre, visit http://www.henley.ac.uk/dunning I am sure you will join with me in congratulating the successful candidates. Rajneesh Narula, OBE, PhD, FRSA The John H. Dunning Chair in International Business Henley Business School, Reading University http://www.linkedin.com/in/narula1 http://goo.gl/Jk8QCj ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.