

Dear AIB Members,

The Forum on Education Abroad<> cultivates educators who champion high quality education abroad experiences that ignite curiosity, impact lives, and contribute to a better world. The Forum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO)<> for the field of education abroad. The Forum provides training<> and resources<> to education abroad faculty and administrators and our Standards of Good Practice<> are recognized as the definitive means by which the quality of education abroad programs may be judged. The Forum’s 800+ institutional members<> include U.S. colleges and universities, overseas institutions, consortia, agencies, organizations, and foundations who are committed to improving education abroad.
I am pleased to announce that registration is now open for our first  ever Critical Dialogue on Graduate Global Education. We invite you and your colleagues to join this virtual event on August 7th from 10:00am – 1:00pm EDT. The Critical Dialogue is an opportunity for colleagues to share information about global education across graduate and professional disciplines, learn from each other about innovations and best practices, identify ways to collaborate across campus, and discuss how the 6th edition of the Standards of Good Practice can be applied to graduate programs. Panelists from business, medicine, and engineering will join researchers from the Institute of International Education (IIE) and the Council of Graduate Schools to discuss common opportunities and challenges facing graduate level programs, including the impact of COVID-19 on global education.

Best regards,

Melissa Torres
President & CEO

Melissa A. Torres (she/her/hers)
President & CEO
The Forum on Education Abroad
(717) 254-8404
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Schedule a meeting with me<>

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