Hello Geo Ed Listserv, We'll be hiring a post-doc to start September 1st on a 3-year, NSF funded project to develop resources for analyzing undergraduate learning in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus. I am sending out this preliminary notification because it is going to be a short turnaround time between posting and review of applications and I want folks to have as much time as possible to prepare application materials or reach out with questions. Please reach out to me if you have questions about the position or applying once it's posted and feel free to share this information broadly. Press Release about Grant and Project: https://www.unco.edu/news/newsroom/releases/unc-leads-grant-students-learn-sustainability.aspx Post-Doc Candidates should have a strong commitment to undergraduate STEM education and interest in working with a leading group of interdisciplinary STEM educators. Successful candidates will have a mix of some set of the following skills, which will enable the Research Associates to make unique contributions to the project team: 1. disciplinary expertise in biology or related fields 2. STEM education research 3. assessment of learning 4. machine learning 5. qualitative research methods 6. multivariate statistics and computer modeling 7. mixed research methods 8. experience publishing and presenting research findings 9. mentoring of undergraduate researchers Chelsie Chelsie L. Romulo Assistant Professor Environmental and Sustainability Studies University of Northern Colorado 501 20th St. Greeley CO 80639 Tel: 970.351.1565 | Office: CAND 2225 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | @ChelsieRomulo https://cromulo.wordpress.com<https://cromulo.wordpress.com/>/