Dear Colleagues:
For anyone who missed the recent webinar I organized about the future of teaching International Business post COVID-19 which was sponsored by the Academy of Management's International Management Division’s Teaching Committee, the recording is now available for viewing.  The webinar discusses how teaching content, methods, and program design will likely evolve post COVID-19. How on-line teaching can be best used in the future is also discussed. While this webinar was targeted for faculty teaching international business, faculty teaching other disciplines in a business school will likely find parts of it to be of interest as well.


The Future of International Business Teaching: Content and Methods in a Post COVID-19 World


The panel for the webinar includes:

Carl F. Fey, Professor, Aalto University School of Business;

Sri Zaheer, Dean, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota

Harry Lane, Professor, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University;

Andreas Schotter, Associate Professor, Ivey School of Business, Western University.


Link to the recording of the webinar:


Best wishes, Carl


Dr. Carl F. Fey

Professor of International Business

International Business Unit

Aalto University School of Business

Helsinki, Finland

Tel. +358-50-408-1070

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skype: carlfey

wechat: carlfey

Deputy Editor, Management and Organization Review


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