

Dear AIB List,
Japan International Society for Negotiation (JISN) will host a workshop on
research into negotiations in all topic areas (business, trade,
inter-governmental, and so on).  The goal of the workshop is to develop
constructive discussion and critiques on the current research efforts of the
Call for Presentations: 
Submissions for presentations must include author name(s), affiliation,
email, a short bio of up to 150 words, and an extended abstract of the
research of 2,500-4,000 words (not counting references).  The extended
abstract should contain the following parts: 
*	Title 
*	Summary in 50 words or less 
*	Introduction about the purpose of the research and relationship to
previously published research 
*	Methodology  
*	Preliminary findings  
*	A brief discussion (optional) 
*	References 
Submission deadline: June 30, 2020 to William W. Baber [log in to unmask]
Each presenter will have 10 minutes to present their research, five minutes
to receive comments from an assigned discussant, and five minutes of open
discussion with the audience.  The event will be hybrid online (Zoom) and
offline (if attendees are possible). 

Best regards,
Will Baber
Associate Professor 准教授、京都大学経営管理大学院
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Management
Transforming Japanese Business:
Practical Business Negotiation

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