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Please be mindful that while faculty/staff are welcome to join us, this is a space primarily for students.

Join us this Friday, June 5th (12:00-1:00PM) for
OCAT’s first GREEN TABLE: Real Discussion.
Real Students. This week we are featuring some awesome
campus student leaders who will be providing their POVs on what is happening around the world and how it is impacting their lives, their organizations, and communities. Each of these students were asked what motivates them. Read their response below.
ZOOM ID: 206 889 3181
Edwin Jaramillo, Southwest Detroit, MI majoring in Journalism
“What motivates me is being able to make equitable and sustainable changes in the communities that I am a part of. Being part of a first generation family and being a first generation college student I take my activism and work
very personally.”
Rebekah Long, Detroit, MI on a Pre Med track with a major in Community governance and advocacy
“I am motivated by the strength of my communities & combatting inequality in all spaces.”
Jay Gooden, Detroit, MI majoring inTheatre
“What motivates me is my ability to change the world.”
Phong Hoang, Saline, MI majoring in Electrical Engineering
“What really motivates me to be a student activist and a student in general are my parents, they gave up a lot to give my siblings and I a comfortable life.”
Alondra Alvarez, Southwest Detroit, MI majoring in Communication
“My community, both my Latinx community and my community back home in Detroit knowing how resilient we are always motivates me to never give up and to continue to break all of the stereotypes and assumptions people have of us.”
Meaghan Kozar, PhD
Coordinator, Office of Cultural & Academic Transitions
556 East Circle Drive, Rm #339
East Lansing, MI 48824
(Office) 517.353.9140
(Cell) 517.449.9148