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Last week, the editorial teams behind AIB's Journal of International Business Studies and Journal of International Business Policy launched a free series of webinars where global experts discuss their findings on some of the field's biggest questions.

The demand to take part in these events has been incredible! Our first session reached its 500-person capacity in just 3 days—we're taking special measures to ensure that all interested members of the IB community are able to take part:

  • Registration: All waitlisted registrants will now be able to watch our webinars live via YouTube simulcast—no more worrying about whether you'll get a spot in the audience. 
  • Recording: Videos of all our webinars will be made publicly available on YouTube for you to watch at your convenience. The recording of our first event has already been published and a deluxe AIB Members-Only version including presenter slideshows will go up on our association's homepage later this week.
  • Security: To ensure the integrity of these webinars, registrants will receive their livestream access links via email approximately 24 hours before the event. Keep an eye on your inboxes!

As always, everyone who registers for these webinars will be provided with a copy of each of the articles being discussed—an added bonus just for joining in the conversation! Full details on our upcoming events are available below.



How are global value chains changing in an evolving global environment?

Time: May 28, 11am New York, 3pm GMT, 5pm Berlin, 11pm Hong Kong

Global value chains: A review of the multidisciplinary literature
Liena Kano, Eric Tsang, & Henry Wai-chung Yeung, 2020, JIBS 51(4)

Presented by: Liena Kano, University of Calgary

The global value chain and internalization theory
Gabriel Benito, Bent Petersen, & Lawrence Welch, 2019, JIBS 50(8): 1414–1423
Presented by: Gabriel Benito, BI Norwegian Business School

Accounting for firm heterogeneity in global value chains
Fabienne Fortanier, Guannan Miao, Ans Kolk, & Niccolo Pisani, 2020, JIBS 51(3): 432–453

Presented by: Niccolo Pisani, University of Amsterdam

Moderator: Timothy Devinney, University of Manchester





How does the rise of the digital economy change the ways IB is conducted?

Time: June 4, 11am New York, 3pm GMT, 5pm Berlin, 11pm Hong Kong

Ecosystem-specific advantages in international digital commerce
Jiatao Li, Liang Chen, Jingtao Yi, Jiye Mao & Jianwen Liao, 2019, JIBS 50(9): 1448-1463
Presented by: Liang Chen, University of Melbourne

Global platforms and ecosystems: Implications for international business theories
Satish Nambisan, Shaker Zahra & Yadong Luo, 2019, JIBS 50(9): 1464-1486
Presented by: Satish Nambisan, Case Western Reserve University

Internalization theory for the digital economy
Elitsa Banalieva & Charles Dhanaraj, 2019, JIBS 50(8): 1372-1387
Presented by: Elitsa Banalieva, Northeastern University

Moderator: Klaus Meyer, Western University





How can IB scholars contribute to public policy debates on innovation?

Time: June 18, 11am New York, 3pm GMT, 5pm Berlin, 11pm Hong Kong

FDI in hot labour markets: The implications of the war for talent
Bettina Becker, Nigel Driffield, Sandra Lancheros & James Love, 2020, JIBP 3(2): 107–133

Presented by: Nigel Driffield, University of Warwick

Catching-up in the global factory: Analysis and policy implications
Peter Buckley, Roger Strange, Marcel Timmer & Gaaitzen de Vries, 2020, JIBP 3(2): 79-106
Presented by: Roger Strange, University of Sussex

MNE–SME co-innovation in peripheral regions
Shameen Prashantham & Sumelika Bhattacharyya, 2020, JIBP 3(2): 134-153
Presented by: Shameen Prashantham, CEIBS

Timothy Devinney, University of Manchester
Ari Van Assche, HEC Montréal





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