

Dear Colleagues,

The demand to participate in our inaugural AIB Journals Webinar “How do shifts in globalization and anti-globalization change the agenda for international business research?” has been overwhelming! In just 3 days we reached our initial capacity of 500 registrants!

In order to allow more members of the IB community to engage in this conversation, we are now planning to simulcast our webinars on YouTube. Register here before May 21, 12:00am EST and you will be guaranteed a spot to watch this scholarly conversation live:

Registration is completely free and AIB membership is not required to participate. Details on the research being discussed are available below—we hope to see you there!

The AIB Secretariat

The structural reshaping of globalization: Implications for strategic sectors, profiting from innovation, and the multinational enterprise<>
Olga Petricevic & David Teece, 2019, JIBS 50(9): 1487-1512
Presented by: Olga Petricevic, University of Calgary

De-globalization: Theories, predictions, and opportunities for international business research<>
Michael Witt, 2019, JIBS 50(7): 1053-1077
Presented by: Michael Witt, INSEAD

Protectionism, state discrimination, and international business since the onset of the Global Financial Crisis<>
Simon Evenett, 2019, JIBP 2(1): 9-36
Presented by: Simon Evenett, University of St. Gallen

Moderator: Klaus Meyer, Western University

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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