

Please distribute to members

13th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business

is going online

Business Theory and Practice Across Industries and Markets

September 09th-10th, 2020

Extended manuscript submission deadline: June 5th, 2020

Keynote Speaker:
Professor Michael Czinkota, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University

Dear Colleagues,

The EuroMed Academy of Business would like to wish you the very best during these challenging times. We want you to know how much we value and appreciate your contribution to the EuroMed community and we wish you and your families all the best. Our thoughts go to those who suffered from the disease, to their families and friends, and to the doctors and medical staff who are fighting day after day at the forefront of the pandemic.

Due to challenges associated with the COVID-19, the EuroMed 2020 conference is going online and will run normally. We just wanted to inform you about this change as early as possible, to allow those who planned to attend plenty of time to adjust their travel plans accordingly.

We are working hard to ensure that this experience will be a great one for all participants.  
Consequently, most of our annual regular activities will be normally scheduled online, including the inauguration event and keynote speeches, parallel presentation and discussion sessions, meet the editors session, journal special issue paper development workshops, networking and collaboration workshop, research project and publication workshop and more.

Synchronous presentations will be live, but also be recorded to give you plenty of time to watch them later in an asynchronous way. Chat rooms and other discussion fora will be available to further enhance audience interaction and networking opportunities.

For your convenience please find attached the revised Call for Papers.
You can find the author guidelines at and submit your manuscript at by the deadline: June 5th, 2020

For any questions please contact 
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Professor Yaakov Weber
  1. Director, Research Unit
School of Business Administration
College of Management
Rishon Lezion, Israel

     2. President
EuroMed Research Business Institute

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