Dear AIB mailing list members

Dear friends


In responding to the growing need of companies for suggestions in dealing with the Covid-19 adversity, we have collected insights and impulses from our EAMSA network (Euro-Asia Management Studies Association), a platform for scholarship and exchange between Europe and Asia on economic and management issues.


The podcast series covers a range of regions. Our experts shed light on pressing issues facing the world of Asian business:


In the coming weeks, this repository will further grow. So watch this space!


Feel free to pass this link on or use its content as teaching resource.


Kind regards from Austria. Sierk.



Prof. (FH) PD Dr. Sierk Horn

Professor for International Management

Vice President Euro-Asia Management Studies Association


FH Vorarlberg GmbH

Hochschulstraße 1

6850 Dornbirn



T +43 5572 792 3315

E: [log in to unmask]


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