

Special Issue - critical perspectives on international business
"Accelerating research on the contemporary global crisis"

Guest Editors
Christoph Dörrenbächer, Berlin School of Economics and Law, DE, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Rudolf R Sinkovics, The University of Auckland, NZ, [log in to unmask]
Florian Becker-Ritterspach, HTW Berlin, DE, [log in to unmask]
Mehdi Boussebaa, University of Glasgow, UK, [log in to unmask]
Louise Curran, Toulouse Business School, FR, [log in to unmask]
Alice de Jonge, Monash University, AU, [log in to unmask]
Zaheer Khan, University of Kent, UK, [log in to unmask]

Introduction to the Special Issue

Following on from the COVID-19 related stakeholder engagement and zoominar, cpoib now announces a special issue in this area. The aim of the scoping exercise was to provide a platform for the acceleration of research on the contemporary crisis. This special issue calls for work that helps to make sense of the effect on international business of the insecurity and hyper-turbulence of the external environment, including human and healthcare system related work. Furthermore, it aims to extend understanding of the ways in which businesses, economies, governments and other institutions respond to these challenges. We seek contributions from a variety of perspectives, invite both applied and more descriptive papers, as well as papers which engage in early concept development and theorizing regarding the experienced disruption.

Conceptual and Empirical Topics of Particular Interest

The special issue of cpoib provides an opportunity to scholars from different academic disciplines and sub-disciplines around IB to submit their work. Indicative research questions invited for submission are:

·         Globalisation and de-globalisation - From crossing borders to closing borders - what will the medium and long-term impacts of COVID-19 be for global exchange of goods and services and FDI screening. What is the changing role of global organizations in transnational crisis management?

·         Political economy and global governance issues - how will COVID-19 impact integration or disintegration of economic blocs, what will be the impact of stimulus packages on different sectors/workers, how will the pandemic effect legitimation issues for MNEs?

·         How have global inequalities and colonial legacies impacted upon the spread and/or management of COVID-19?

·         Understanding the differential impacts of the disruption along global value chains (e.g. retail workers in the Global North experiencing support through social welfare vs. workers in the Global South being unsupported)

·         Economic activity and reorganisation of economic activity under lockdown conditions - Disruption and reconfiguration of global and local collaborative activities and their long-term impacts; sectoral analysis of specific industries which have been strongly impacted by COVID-19 or the lockdown (e.g. aerospace, travel, healthcare).

·         Functional changes - International Human resource management and dynamics in staffing/resourcing in specific sectors, Supply-chain and value chain challenges

·         Microfoundations / Socio-psychological issues - Impact of social distancing on cross-border knowledge sharing, innovation, coordination and control.

·         Sustainability impacts and unintended consequences of disruption - Global and local environmental impacts, circularity, business resilience and organisational change in hyper-turbulent environments

Submission Process and Deadlines

Key dates
Key dates

What to do...

May 07, 2020

First preliminary project proposal submission deadline, via

June 16, 2020

Proposal development workshop (online)

July 05, 2020

Paper submission deadline

Aug 21, 2020

First review round feedback

Oct 15, 2020

First revision submission deadline

Guidelines for submission

·         Authors should refer to the cpoib website and the instructions on submitting a paper. For author guidelines and more information see:

·         Submissions to cpoib  are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts

  *   All papers will be subjected to double-blind peer review and papers will be reviewed in accordance with cpoib guidelines.

·         The guest editors welcome informal enquiries related to proposed topics.

·         We intend to accelerate the publication of papers in 2020, papers that do not meet the tight deadlines, may be considered for publication in regular issues.


Ahen, Frederick (2019), "Global health and international business: New frontiers of international business research," critical perspectives on international business, 15 (2/3), 158-178.

Durepos, Gabrielle, Ajnesh Prasad, and Cristian E. Villanueva (2016), "How might we study international business to account for marginalized subjects? Turning to practice and situating knowledges," critical perspectives on international business, 12 (3), 306-314.

Hotho, Jasper and Verena Girschik (2019), "Corporate engagement in humanitarian action: Concepts, challenges, and areas for international business research," critical perspectives on international business, 15 (2/3), 201-218.

Kunreuther, Howard and Michael Useem (2010), Learning from catastrophes: Strategies for reaction and response. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Wharton School Pub.

Piketty, Thomas (2020), Capital and ideology. (Arthur Goldhammer, Trans.). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

Pistor, Katharina (2019), Code of capital: How the law creates wealth and inequality. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Roberts, Joanne and Christoph Dörrenbächer (2016), "Renewing the call for critical perspectives on international business: Towards a second decade of challenging the orthodox," critical perspectives on international business, 12 (1), 2-21.

Said, Edward W. (2014), Culture and imperialism. London: Vintage.

Sinkovics, Noemi and Jason Archie-Acheampong (2020), "The social value creation of MNEs - a literature review across multiple academic fields," critical perspectives on international business, 16 (1), 7-46.

Sinkovics, Noemi, Rudolf R Sinkovics, Samia Hoque, and Laszlo Czaban (2015), "A reconceptualization of social value creation as social constraint alleviation," Critical Perspectives on International Business, 11 (3/4), 340-363.

Toporowski, Jan (2009), "International business and the crisis," Critical perspectives on international business, 5 (1/2), 162-164.

Zuboff, Shoshana (2019), The age of surveillance capitalism: The fight for a human future at the new frontier of power. New York, NY: PublicAffairs.

Prof Dr Rudolf R Sinkovics  |  Professor of International Business - The University of Auckland, NZ  |  Visiting Professor - Lappeenranta University of Technology, FI | skype: rudolf.sinkovics |  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>   | PGP ID:89785C8C8D211B18  | |

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