[cid:[log in to unmask]] [cid:[log in to unmask]] Journal of International Management Online Paper Development Workshop May 18, 2020 Journal of International Management (JIM), in collaboration with the Emerging Markets Society (EMS) will conduct an online paper development workshop (PDW) via Zoom. The workshop will be led by Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Business School and Editor-in-Chief of JIM, with the assistance from Associate Editors of JIM as well as other leading scholars as listed below: Panelists: * Lin Cui, Australia National University, Canberra, Australia * Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China * Desislava Dikova, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria * Tazeeb Rajwani, Surrey Business School, Guildford, UK * Ajai Gaur, EIC, Journal of World Business, Rutgers Business School, NJ, USA * Chinmay Pattnaik, EIC, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, University of Sydney Business School, Australia * Alessandro Zattoni, LUISS University Rome, Italy Timing: May 18, 2020 9 PM to 10.30 PM (AEST Sydney, Australia) 7 PM to 8.30 PM (China) 4.30 PM to 6 PM (India) 12.00 PM to 1.30 PM (UK) 7 AM to 8.30 AM (EST, New York, USA) Submission Instructions Please make your submissions to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by May 8, 2020. We will make the final decisions by May 15, 2020 and send out the online Zoom link to participate. Structure The purpose of the PDW is to provide feedback to junior scholars and doctoral students on their research projects that are at an initial idea stage of development. Consistent with the mission of JIM, our objective is to encourage scholars to do quality research on topical issues that have high potential to make an impact in the area of international management. While we certainly hope that the authors will develop their work and submit to JIM, there is no obligation to do so. We invite submissions of short idea papers that are anywhere between 2500 to 5000 words in length. You can submit the shorter versions of papers that you have previously submitted to JIM or other journals to get development feedback during the PDW. The space will be limited to 20 papers. Session structure: * 15 minutes: Overview of JIM aims, scope, and performance. * 60 minutes: Feedback by panelists on selected papers in breakout rooms. * 15 minutes: Panelists answer questions from the audience. This PDW will be open for participants who may not submit any paper for feedback. Please visit the following link for updated details about the workshop including the zoom link. https://www.em-society.org/initiatives/online-workshops/jim-pdw Regards Vikas VIKAS KUMAR | Professor and Head of Discipline Discipline of International Business Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Management (JIM) Vice-President, Asia Academy of Management Director, Emerging Market Internationalization Research Group (EMIRG) THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY BUSINESS SCHOOL Rm 4137, ABS H70| The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006 | Australia T +61 2 9351 6438 | F +61 2 9036 5378 | Twitter @kvikas21 | Skype kvikas21 E [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | W www.vikaskumar.net<http://www.vikaskumar.net/> | http://sydney.edu.au/business/staff/vikask Become involved with EMIRG: http://sydney.edu.au/business/research/emirg CRICOS 00026A This email plus any attachments to it are confidential. Any unauthorised use is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email in error, please delete it and any attachments. Please think of our environment and only print this e-mail if necessary. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.