Dear all,
Please see below information about the 2020 SCORAI international conference which will be now fully online.
On behalf of the international Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) we extend a very warm invitation to you all to the 4th International SCORAI conference June 10-12, 2020. In response to the disruption and risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic the conference program is now an all on-line remote program. We are grateful to have the opportunity to transition to a fully digital conference format that will reduce our collective consumption while preserving vitally important sharing of ideas and some social networking. The conference sessions will be accessible to all who register – all that is needed is access to high-speed internet connection. We are developing creative ideas to preserve a sense of open discourse and celebration of community as we move to a virtual format.
With this virtual format, we look forward to expanding accessibility to the conference. Registration is now open and we encourage you to spread the word about this exciting opportunity to your students and colleagues. The conference registration fee is $120 for regular registration and $50 for students and other low-income participants.
The theme of the conference is “Sustainable Consumption and Social Justice in an Urbanizing World”. We are delighted to host 7 international Keynote presentations throughout the Conference to provide cutting edge perspectives on the conference. Opening the conference on Day 1 (Wednesday June 10th) we will host Dr Sherilyn MacGregor (University of Manchester, UK) and Aaron Tanaka (Center for Economic Democracy, USA).
On the final day, Friday June 12th, our keynotes will speak to the theme of ‘Thinking ahead: from sustainability to degrowth’. Prof Peter Victor (York University, Canada) will present on ‘Managing Without Growth: Slower by Design, not Disaster’ and Prof Barbara Muraca’s (Oregon State University, USA) presentation is titled ‘Re-politicizing Sustainability: Degrowth as radical transformation’.
In addition to the keynotes there are multiple concurrent sessions with researchers and practitioners presenting on a wide range of topics connecting sustainable consumption and social justice. The full conference program is available on the conference website:
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [log in to unmask] with any questions or concerns. We look forward to an engaging virtual gathering in June.
Jennie Stephens and Frances Fahy
Conference Co-Chairs SCORAI 2020