Dear Sir/Madam,


Please distribute this job opening announcement to our AIB listserv members. Thanks.






Professor Haibin Yang

Department of Management

City University of Hong Kong


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City University of Hong Kong is a dynamic, fast-growing university that is pursuing excellence in research and professional education.  As a publicly funded institution, the University is committed to nurturing and developing students’ talents and creating applicable knowledge to support social and economic advancement.  The University has nine Colleges/Schools.  As part of its pursuit of excellence, the University aims to recruit outstanding scholars from all over the world in various disciplines, including business, creative media, data science, energy and environment, engineering, humanities and social sciences, law, science, veterinary medicine and life sciences. 

Applications and nominations are invited for :


Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor

Department of Management [Ref. B/364/09]


The Department of Management, one of six academic departments in the College of Business, conducts teaching and research in the broad areas of management, including international business, strategy and policy, organizational behavior and HRM, talent management (learning and development), managing multinationals, negotiation, leadership, people and HR analytics, advanced strategic analysis, doing business in Asia Pacific, strategic entrepreneurship and high performance collaborations.  The Department provides a vigorous and supportive environment that is conducive to the pursuit of excellent research and teaching.  The working conditions and compensations are comparable with major research universities worldwide.  Its faculty take up leadership roles in many professional societies and scholarly journals, as well as in the College of Business.  For details of the Department, please visit the website at


Requirements: A PhD in Management or related disciplines.  Candidates should demonstrate the ability/potential to publish in top-tier management journals as well as excellence in the classroom.  Candidates in the disciplines of organizational behavior, human resources management, entrepreneurship, and strategy are desirable.  Teaching experience at the postgraduate level is a plus.


Salary and Conditions of Service

Remuneration package will be driven by market competitiveness and individual performance.  Excellent fringe benefits include gratuity, leave, medical and dental schemes, and relocation assistance (where applicable).  Initial appointment will be made on a fixed-term contract.


Information and Application

Further information on the posts and the University is available at, or from the Human Resources Office, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong [Email : [log in to unmask] : (852) 2788 1154 or (852) 3442 0311].


To apply, please submit an online application at, and include a current curriculum vitae.  Preliminary interview will be conducted online or arranged with a departmental representative during the 2020 Academy of Management meeting.  Applications and nominations will receive full consideration until the positions are filled.  Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted; and those shortlisted for the post of Assistant Professor will be requested to arrange for at least 3 reference reports sent directly by the referees to the Department, specifying the position applied for.  The University’s privacy policy is available on the homepage.


City University of Hong Kong is an equal opportunity employer and we are committed to the principle of diversity.  Personal data provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes.


Worldwide recognition ranking 52nd, and 4th among top 50 universities under age 50 (QS survey 2020); 1st in the World’s Most International Universities (THE survey 2020); 1st in Engineering/Technology/Computer Sciences in Hong Kong (ARWU survey 2016); and 2nd Business School in Asia-Pacific region (UT Dallas survey 2017).






From: AIB-L Moderator <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 9:53 PM
To: Haibin YANG <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: AIB-L: approval required (336897F5)


Hello Dr. Yang,


We'd be happy to distribute this job announcement--could you please re-submit it to [log in to unmask] using exactly the subject line and body text you'd like our subscribers to see? That way we can ensure that all replies to your posting go directly to your email address.



The AIB Secretariat


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To APPROVE the message:
Dear Sir/Madam,

I'd like to see whether you could send the attached ads on job vacancy to AIB listserv members? Your help is highly appreciated.



Professor Haibin Yang
Department of Management
City University of Hong Kong;!!HXCxUKc!gKEXi5PObwv9eSk--IwPlOAExdSm-_LyfaMGGK1Xayd_wBpX9lcVY044FR7jZ0Q$

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Haibin YANG <[log in to unmask]>
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 13:18:55 +0000
Subject: job vacancy

Dear Sir/Madam,


I’d like to see whether you could send the attached ads on job vacancy to AIB listserv members? Your help is highly appreciated.






Professor Haibin Yang

Department of Management

City University of Hong Kong




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