Dear all,

We would like to celebrate Multinational Business Review’s 2019 achievements with this virtual issue, a collection of selected papers free to access for one month.

MBR is growing in both reach and quality, having seen a 22% increase in downloads in the last three years. Along with this, we have also seen recent increases in traditional journal rankings; MBR is now ranked a B in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), with a 2018 Impact Factor of 1.436 and a 2018 CiteScore of 2.46.

These achievements would not have been possible without the efforts and dedication of our Editorial Board members and authors who we would like to thank for their dedication.

This virtual issue comprises of the following papers, all of which are available on Emerald Insight:


What is the Shape of the Multinationality-Performance Relationship? By Douglas E. Thomas and Lorraine Eden

Reconciling Internalization Theory and the Eclectic Paradigm by Alan M. Rugman

Determinants of Corruption: A Cross-National Analysis by Hoon Park

Multinational Enterprises Are Regional, Not Global by Alan M. Rugman and Cecilia Brain

Internationalization and Performance: Traditional Measures and Their Decomposition by Chin
Chun Hsu and David J. Boggs

The Impact of Home Country Institutional Effects on the Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Firms by Hinrich Voss, Peter J. Buckley and Adam R. Cross

What is “strategic asset seeking FDI”? by Klaus E. Meyer

Government subsidies, state ownership, regulatory infrastructure, and the import of strategic resources: Evidence from China by Gongming Qian, Bin Liu and Qingtao Wang

A global perspective of entrepreneurship and innovation in China by David Ahlstrom, Xiaohua Yang, Liang Wang and Changqi Wu

Why modern slavery thrives in multinational corporations’ global value chains by Christina Stringer and Snejina Michailova

Why multinational enterprises may be causing more inequality than we think by Elisa Giuliani

Internationalization strategies of hidden champions: lessons from Germany by David B. Audretsch, Erik E. Lehmann and Julian Schenkenhofer

MBR is open for submissions. Please visit the journal homepage to view the aims and scope, or the author guidelines to submit a paper directly.

If you require more information, please contact Hayley Coulson [log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask].

Best wishes,
MBR Editorial Team



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