critical perspectives on international business (cpoib) zoominar: Accelerating research on the contemporary crisis Date (see<> for conversions): Friday, April 03, 2020, Time: 11:30 - 12:30 [Auckland, NZ, NZDT=UTC+13hrs] Friday, April 03, 2020, Time: 09:30 - 10:30 [Sydney, AU, AEDT=UTC+11hrs] Thursday, April 02, 2020, Time: 23:30 - 00:30 [London, UK, UTC] Thursday, April, 02, 2020, Time: 18:30 - 19:30 [New York, US, EDT=UTC-4hrs] Context Critical perspectives on international business (cpoib) is hosting a Zoominar, devoted to acceleration of research on the contemporary crisis on Friday April 03, 2020 11:30-12:30- NZDT. This initiative by the cpoib editorial team aims at supporting the cpoib scholarly community in making sense of the insecurity and hyper-turbulence of the external environment which we are currently facing due to the covid-19 pandemic. Scholarship in recent years has of course been facilitated by digital technologies and thus, the higher-education sector in particular has some affinity to the notion of working in isolation. However, the worldwide lockdowns of large parts of communities gives an unprecedented sense of how essential and non-essential services are actually defined, how supply-chain disruptions may challenge our sense of security and how interlocked health-systems, political systems and economic systems actually are. Aims The zoom-enabled research acceleration session on the contemporary crisis aims to improve outreach to all parts of the cpoib community with the following goals: * Briefly, help to learn about the goals and objectives of cpoib, its editorial team, and how cpoib could be a platform for development and dissemination of work which connects with the contemporary crisis, * Accelerate an understanding of the issues that scholars experience at this very moment, from their functional and specialist perspectives, and how this could possibly lead to a conceptualisation of IB research that a) responds to critical requests/questions from the respective communities and b) leads to a research agenda which helps us collectively to make an ongoing positive contribution to society, starting immediately. Organisation and projected outcomes The session will feature a panel of cpoib editors who will open up by briefly introducing the specific goals and objectives of cpoib and move on to an open discussion about how we might address some of the contemporary issues through joint scholarship. The overall purpose of these sessions is to help scholars and doctoral students to develop a sense of community in doing something meaningful while aiming to publish quality research papers that have potential impact in policy and governance circles. Panelists * Rudolf R Sinkovics, co-Editor-in-Chief * Christoph Dörrenbächer, co-Editor-in-Chief * Brent Burmester, Associate Editor * Snejina Michailova, ex-officio co-Editor-in-Chief * Alice De Jong, Associate Editor Session structure * 10 minutes: Overview of cpoib aims, scope, and mechanisms to accelerate research in this space. * 40 minutes: * Open discussion * Pressing issues coming up from various IB scholars * 10 minutes: Synthesis. Registration details * Register in advance for this meeting: * After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. * You can provide issues / questions which you wish to address during the meeting, by sending an email to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> * We are also holding another meeting which is more appropriately timed to the European timezone, tentative date is between 6th and 10th April 2020. Further information will follow from [log in to unmask] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.